"What's wrong? Is it Elizabeth? My parents? Oh, god, please don't tell me something happened to my father—"

Will readjusted his hold on her face, looking into her eyes. "Catherine, everyone is fine. Maybe not Elizabeth. Maybe not you or I either. But your father is alive and well. So it your mother," His words were calm and soothing, despite the first part of his news.

Catherine furrowed her brows. "What's going on? Is Elizabeth alright?"

A sigh came from her best friend. "I'll discuss it with you and Jack later. I need to talk to both of you. Elizabeth...is safe, for the time being. But I promise, nothing is going to happen to any of us."

There was so much more she wanted to ask, but she knew Will wasn't going to budge on the topic. So instead, she said, "Okay. Later, I want to know everything." When he nodded, she continued, "So how are my parents doing? Things have been getting tough for us. I haven't been able to write to you all because of it."

This made Will's smile return. "I know. We all do. Your parents are good. When I was back home, I visited them every day, like I promised you I would. Sometimes with Elizabeth, but I would stop by once a day. I usually came over for either afternoon tea, or supper. Either way, your father had much to say about you, your letters, or whatever he had been reading," Will laughed, "He's still the exact same as you left him."

Catherine gave a bright smile, tears prickling at her eyes. "I love and miss him so much," She chuckled through her whisper.

"He loves and misses you too. They both do."

She moved her hair out of her face as Will lowered his hands to hold hers. "What did he have to say about me?"

A grin formed on his face. "Oh where do I begin?" Catherine giggled, only imagining what her father would ramble about. "He often wondered what you were doing. Thinking about how you would be fighting some pirates, or what kind of treasures you may have found, or what you were reading. He often talked about how he hoped you were reading some book, and discussing it with Jack as you do with us."

"I do. It's my home away from home thing to do. Jack, much do anyone's surprise, doesn't read. But he will sit and listen to me talk about the books I read." Catherine smiled fondly as she recalled the first time she did that. Jack had been so sweet about it. He sat back and smiled the entire time, asking her questions. It made her feel at home, and secure in the man she loves.

"Well," Will pulled her from her thoughts, "I know he will love to hear that."

"What else did he say? What did my mother have to say about me?"

Will gave her hands a comforting squeeze. "He talked of memories, of course. A lot. He sometimes Will sit in your seat at the table, just so he can be closer to you." Catherine almost burst out crying at that. "He was always so excited to get your letters. He keeps them in the wooden box he bought so he could store them safely.

Your mother, listens to him a lot. Often, she will speak of you in the same way. But mostly, she just listens to your father talk."

Nodding, Catherine smile. "Yes, she's always been like that. She loves listening to my father speak. You see, the difference between my father and most men is that my father only speaks good. He isn't discriminative of my sex, or of anyone really. He isn't afraid to be open about his heart, or even the small things that make him happy. He finds happiness a lot in almost everything. Even in things like getting caught in the rain. He could go on for hours talking about how young he felt splashing in the puddles, or how it is to walk in it--without important papers, of course. And my mother loves him for it. So do I."

"That's beautiful," Will commented thoughtfully.

When he looked up, he finally noticed Mr. Gibbs and some of the crew. "Mr. Gibbs," He breathed out, rising to his feet.

"It's good to see you against, Will." Mr. Gibbs bowed his head, offering a small smile.

Will finally took noticed of his surroundings. "Where are we? Where is Jack? Why is he up there while we are in here?" He asked, looking at the crew, helping Catherine stand in the bone cage. He looked at the second cage beside the, as they dangled over the valley.

"We're trapped in a cage made entirely of bones," Catherine deadpanned, earning a glare from Will.

"He's the chief," Mr. Gibbs said simply.

Will gripped on to a bone above his head. "Why would he do this to us? If Jack is the chief..."

Before Catherine could defend her husband, Mr. Gibbs spoke, "Aye, the Pelegostos made Jack their chief, but he only remains chief as long as he acts like a chief."

Catherine met Will's eyes, a small nod shortly following. "So he had no choice. He's a captive as much as the rest of us," Will said, understanding.

"Worse, as it turns out," Mr. Gibbs spoke instantly, "See, the Pelegostos believe that Jack is a god in human form, and they intend to do him the honor of releasing him from his fleshy prison."

Will made a face, looking at Catherine for clarification. It was then Mr. Cotton, silently, jumped into the conversation, pulling Mr. Gibbs's fingers to bite them as an answer.

The quartermaster groaned in pain, trying to rip his hand from Mr. Cotton's grip. "They'll roast him and eat him."

"Where's the rest of the crew?" Will asked.

Mr. Gibbs and Catherine shared a pained look.

"These cages we're in weren't made until we got here," Catherine replied dully, leaning back against the cage at Will let go of where he gripped, grossed out.

"The feast is about to begin," Mr. Gibbs commented, a haunting tone in his words that even made Catherine look over. "Jack's life will end when the drums stop."

Catherine swallowed, her heart picking up speed again, but she stayed quiet, focusing her gaze on everyone's feet. Another life can not be lost, it just can't. Not after what she went through not too long ago. She knew Jack was a man who was a survivor, but he wasn't invincible. If she lost him, she would lose herself in the process.

Will glanced at Catherine, a look of sympathy washing over his face. "Well, we can't just sit here and wait, then, can we?"

At this, she looked up at Will, hope filling her hazel eyes. "What do you suggest that we do then?"

Hi everyone! Happy Monday Update! I apologize for the short chapters, thankfully this one was a long one! With school coming to have more work this semester, it's been really difficult to sit and write. Hopefully in the next few weeks, I'll be able to get back into writing better chapters! My mini classes are almost over, and the workload after this week is going to get worse until the finals. So bare with me! Only a few more weeks, and I should be back to writing better and longer chapters.

I didn't realize how much I've missed Will! I love Catherine and Jack, but I really am missing Will, but also Will and Evelyn from my Will Turner series! I just want to write more books with them without having a set storyline, or even following the movies. Maybe one day! I was asked to kind of do a prequel to my Young Love book a while back. Kind of want to do it? Kind of don't have the time ahaha! Maybe I will write something with Will and Evelyn one day.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Have a great week!

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