Chapter 16 - He's Coming

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I jerked myself awake and looked around. The bright lights had my eyes squinting but I could tell I was at the hospital. I looked around me as tubes went across my body and bruises were all over me. My body felt tired and ached. I heard the beeping of the machine motoring my heart beat go faster. The nurses came in rushing to check if I was okay "Oh thank goodness you're alright" I looked at them confused "Where am I? Why am i here?" I started to tremble. "We found you near a burnt down building" "W-what" I looked around. "Was there a young man?" "Yes we found him under some rubbish. He's in a coma right now. The last time he spoke was about 5 days ago. He told me to give you this" The nurse gave me the same ring that was in my dream. I teared up a bit putting the ring on my ring finger. I layed back down resting trying to comprehend what happened. But it all felt so real. "God damnit" I whispered to myself. "Do you wish to see him?" I nodded my head. The nurse helped me walk to Micheal's room.

There I saw him. He had burns all over him. I teared up at the sight of him. He looked so peaceful. I went over and sat down on the chair and held his hand. "He has a chance of survival. Luckily he only broke his leg and he's on the lead to recovery.I will leave you two alone" I thanked her and stared at Micheal. "How.. did we end up like this? we were just preparing for our wedding that a dream my love? What happened?" I caressed his cheek. "Please wake up for me mikey please.." I held his hand a bit tighter and layed my head on his lap. I felt a hand caress my hair and I looked up and with surprise he was awake. he gave me a small smile. I gave him a kiss.

"I can't remember what happened ether" "I hope everything is okay" "Everything will be my love" he caressed my cheek and the nurse came in with some food for the both of us. "You guys will be able to leave tomorrow. I suggest you get some rest." We both nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow. I love you" "I love you too" I kissed his forehead and the nurse helped me to my room.

She placed me on the bed and connected the machines to me. She left the room. I stared at the ring. It's all I think about now. Being his Fiancé. Getting married. It's all I want now.
That is my dream. The lights began to flicker in my room. I found my eyes beginning to be heavier and I closed them. My heart rate slowed down. It was difficult to tell if I was in a dream.




I can't seem to understand you.

H-He is coming y-y/n.

He always comes back.


Who is?

Spring locked in a suit.

Soul still posses the green bunny.


Finish the 5 nights.

For three are remaining

I sense a building being built

A horror attraction.

He will be there

Be careful.

I will guide you.

For a sacrifice must be made.

Micheal Afton




I jerked myself awake again. My heartbeat beating fast and slow. The nurses come in rushing "What's going on?" "I don't know!" they were all panicking. Doctors came in to give me shocks "We're losing her!" wait am I dying? no no I can't die where's Michael?


was the only thing I managed to say.

All I think about now- (Michael Afton x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now