Chapter 14 - The City of Love

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   Today was the day. We were finally going to Paris. I woke up in excitement. I've been dreaming about this day. I've had my outfit prepared this whole week. "Wake up Micheal! Let's go let's go!" I jumped on the bed "Noo just 5 more minutes" "Noo we have to go or we are going to be late" I kissed him and grabbed his arm lifting him up. "Okay okay i'm up" he chuckled and kissed my cheek. We both got ready and got our things to head to the airport. We grabbed coffee from Starbucks and pastries. Finally after an hour we got on our plane. The view was absolutely amazing from above. Seeing the sun slowly rise. I'm so glad I got window view. I turned over to Micheal who has been sleeping on his neck pillow. I take a photo and make it my wallpaper. I smile and shake him awake "Mikey look" "mmh what" he groaned rubbing his eyes. I gestured him to look out the window. He did and was amazed by the sky's beauty. Colors mixed in orange and bright yellows. After what seemed like forever we finally arrived.

We stayed at a hotel called Hôtel San Regis. It was beautiful and fancy and had a good view of the tower. Once we got our room number I plopped in the bed ready to sleep even though the day just started. I stayed awake watching all of the clouds and stars go by on the plane.

"What should we do today?" Micheal asked sitting next to me. "We should go get breakfast. I've always wondered what the croissants and hot coco taste like here" my mouth began to water imagining how good the pastries must be. He smiled "Let's go!" We arrived at a small coffee shop called "Kozy Bosquet" I entered and instantly smelled the coffee mixed with pancakes. Me and Mike ordered the pancake breakfast with Late con Leche de Avena and Chocolat Chaud. We sat outside as we ate our food. "That was *chefs kiss" I said and micheal laughed "It really is who knew france had the best food" I agreed. After we went to a museum called Musée du Louvre. We explored with a tour guide and other people. After we went exploring around the city. Looking at every building admiring the architecture. Micheal had bought me quiet a lot of things. Almost everything I touched and admired. I was happy he cared about me but he didn't have to buy everything I touched. We went back to the hotel to order lunch at the balcony. I had ordered a mimosa. I've always wanted to try it. It tasted like a fruit punch if I'm being honest but it was good. After lunch me and Micheal walked around again. When the sun began to set we took a night dinner cruise. It was called the Bateaux Mouches Seine River. They had live music and the view was absolutely amazing.

After dinner we were sitting at a bench near the Effie Tower. It was beautiful seeing the lights sparkle. I was mesmerized.

Micheal's POV

I don't know if this was a perfect time. I fidget with the velvet box that was in my pocket. Was this too early? I let go of the velvet box. A man who was near was playing violin music and played the classic La vie en rose. I stood up and lifted my hand towards her "Care to dance?" "I would be delighted" She held onto my hand. I shifted her hands around my neck and placed mine around her waist. She laid her head on my chest as we swayed back and forth across the walkway. After a few minutes I tipped the guy and we walked more towards the tower.
She seemed so happy being here. I sighed and cleared my throat.
"Y/n there was something i've always wanted to do my whole entire life." I grabbed her hands as we made eye contact.

"When we were kids I promised I would marry you one day. I hope that you can help fulfill my promise" I got on one knee and looked at her.

I could remember that memory clearly. Tears began forming on my eyes and a wide smile as I saw him got on one knee "Y/N M/N L/N would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" "Yes yes a thousand times yes!" I squealed and hugged him. He kissed me. It was filled with love and happiness. I could feel our hearts synchronize. A rain drop fell on my head. I pulled out of the kiss and it started to sprinkle. I giggled and Micheal grabbed my hand placing the ring on my ring finger and carried me bridal style twirling me around "I love you y/n!" he shouted loud enough for the whole city to wake up. I did the same as we placed our foreheads together. He got his phone out and played some romance classical music and we danced in the rain. He twirled and spun me in the air. It felt like out of a fairytale. We then ran around the city like free birds.

We went back to the hotel soaking wet. I giggled as we walked in. Micheal had held me bridal style and helped strip down my clothes. He wrapped his hands around me and kissed me "I love you so much" "I love you more" I kissed him again and pulled away. "Go shower first i'll get your clothes for you" "Thank you" You turned on the shower head. The bathroom was very elegant and bright. There were two sinks a small room where there was a toilet and free soaps and shampoos. You excitedly grabbed them to try it out. It smelled really nice. You washed your hair with shampoo and conditioner and then scrubbed your body. After you were finished you wrapped a towel around you and grabbed the clean clothes Micheal had ready for you. You were both wearing matching pjs. A black basic shirt and some dark blue drawstring pj pants. They were very comfortable. You blow dried your hair and Micheal came in "My turn!" he turned on the water and started to strip himself. He went into the shower and started showering of course. After I finished drying my hair I put it up with a hair claw hairstyle and went to grab his clothes for him. I placed it on the counter and went back to lay in bed. I searched through my bag and luckily there were still leftover pastries and snacks. You grabbed a few leaving the rest in the mini refrigerator provided.

Micheal came out drying his hair with a small towel. He laid down next to you taking one of the pastries. He brought out his nintendo switch and connected it to the TV. "What do you feel like playing?" "Whatever" "Okay" He handed you a control and you both played your all time favorite game. Your eyes were glued to the TV that you didn't notice Micheal had finished the snacks. "Hey you didn't leave any for me!" I pouted. "I still have some in my mouth" "Eww gross noo" I turned away as he laughed. "I'll buy you more tomorrow I promise" when he ends his sentence with a promise that's how you know he really means it.

We walked out of the room and sat on the balcony admiring the stars and lights. "It's beautiful here" I said taking a deep breath of the fresh air. "It's certainly is" I could see through the corner of my eye he was looking at me. I smiled and laid my head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and caressed my arm.

After half an hour we went back inside and cuddled each other. "I can't wait for more adventures with you" I mumbled and drifted asleep "Me too" I felt him caress my cheek.

All I think about now- (Michael Afton x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now