Chapter 2 - Something about you

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( Trigger Warning: Contains sensitive topic: SH ( self harm)

Michaels POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I hit snooze and stared at the ceiling. God that girl. I couldn't help but think about Y/N. She was so beautiful. The way her eyes shimmered when she looked into mine. I grabbed my phone and texted her..

M: Hey, It's Michael.

Y/N: Oh hey! I was thinking we could meet at this coffee shop [sends location]

M: Sounds good. Can I pick you up?

Y/N: Yes of course! I'll be ready at 12!

M: Cya

I have 2 hours to get ready I said to myself. I went across the hallway. It looked like mom and dad went to work. It's better for me. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and made sure my hair was a nice and clean look. I went into my closet and picked out a grey hoodie, black jeans with a chain, and a denim jacket and my black converse. I grabbed my phone and my wallet and headed out the door. 30 minutes left. Should I buy her some flowers? Wait no this isn't a date or anything and I just met her. I'll just wait by her house?"


I smiled and left my phone at my side table. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, basically my whole morning routine. I fixed my hair half up and half down with a hair claw clip and wore a floral white dress with a beige cardigan, black converse, and gold jewelry. I wanted to look perfect for him. Even though I only just met him, he looks so handsome and perfect.

I receive a text that he's here and I grab my crossbody bag and place my phone, keys, and wallet. I took a deep breathe before I leave out the door. I see michael standing looking at the sky. "Oh hey Micheal!" I said cheerfully. He looks at me and smiles. "Hey Y/N, you ready to go?" "Yes, yes I am", He leads me to his car and opens the door for me.

Timeskip to the coffee shop.

I order [favorite drink] with [favorite food] and Micheal orders coffee with buttermilk pancakes. I clear my throat and say "So tell me about yourself" I say as I lean in folding my hands under my chin smiling. His cheeks go a light pink and he replies "Well what do you want to know?" I reply becoming flustered "Well just the basics, age, occupation, etc" "Well I am 20 years old, I work at Freddy's Diner and yeah." "Oh that's nice. I'm 19 years old and I have no work occupation. I should probably get a job though especially since I'll be living alone" I laugh nervously and look the opposite way. I could feel him staring at me and it's making my face heat up. He grabs my hands and holds them. "I'm sorry for what happened." I look at him and he's rubbing my hand with his thumb and I give him a smile "It's nothing to worry about"

Micheal's POV
I could see that she wants to cry. I want to know more of her and I want to be there for her. I just met her and I don't want to seem like a creep. It's a good thing we're almost the same
age. I look at our hands and I notice scars on Y/N's wrists. She sees me look at her and instantly let's go. The waiter comes with our food and we begin to eat. After that it seemed difficult to forget about the scars on her wrist. 

He noticed them. He noticed my scars. I didn't think he would. I hope he doesn't mention them or say anything about it. I can't bring myself to talk to him about it yet. "Hey so about that job, I could get you a job where I work." "Oh really? that would be perfect. What positions are there?" "There's a day guard  and night guard. I work as a night guard and if you pick that position I could be your guide." I smile and agree to it. "Perfect. I could get you an interview tomorrow at 3pm and you can start at 12am on Monday if you do get it." "That sounds perfect thank you so much" Your heart begins to lit up again and all your worry's go away. You could see him smile from the corner of your eye.

Time skip After Breakfast

3rd person POV

You walk with Micheal to the park. You both buy some bread and feed it to the ducks and enjoy the sunshine and spring breeze. You take off your hair clip to fix your hair up but micheal stops you. "Your hair is too beautiful for it to be up". Your face turns into a bright red and he stares into your eyes and puts a strand of your hair behind your ear. You smiled as your face heats up and feed the last piece of bread to the ducks that were casually swimming. You both continued to walk and sat at a bench to watch the sunset. "It's beautiful isn't it?" "Yes it is" You smiled and closed your eyes as the breeze went against your face and hair. It felt nice. Michael looks at you smirking and goes to hide behind a tree. You open your eyes and notice that he's not next to you. "Micheal?!" You shouted. You saw him behind a tree and went behind him to scare him. He jumped and fell to the ground and you landed on top of him. You get up and look at him and your face becomes red. He laughs and says "Y/n your face is red like a strawberry" You smack your face and get up from embarrassment. "I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to fall on you" "Y/n I think i'm the one that fell for you." You look at him surprised. "I'm sorry I know we just met it's just, there's something about you strawberry girl" "S-Strawberry girl?" "Yes your face turns r-" You cut him off by placing your hands over his mouth "Don't you dare finish that sentence mr.charming" "Aw come on you couldn't think of a better nickname?" "I could say the same for you." "Fine fine" You look at his eyes and wonder. "Does that mean we are dating?" "No not yet." You look at him confused.

He grabs your hands and looks into your eyes and says. "Y/n it would be an honor if a beautiful gorgeous woman like you would be my girlfriend" I smile and nod my head while giggling. He grabs my waist and pulls me in and kisses my forehead smiling. I smile back with a light pink blush in my cheeks.


Mike takes me back to my house. "Mike would you like to stay for a bit?" He agrees and we both walk into my home. I invite him to sit with me on the couch and watch a movie. He places his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in, placing my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat. Unlike mine it was beating very fast. We watch [my favorite movie] and fell asleep. I could feel mike pick me up and take me to my bedroom. He takes off my shoes and covers me up and kisses my forehead. "Sleep well strawberry girl". I smile and open my eyes and pull him in with me. I then hug him and fall asleep.

I wake up. It's 7:15 AM. I look at mike and he's drooling. I quietly laugh and wipe it down with a napkin that were sitting on my bedside table. He groans and turns the other way. I get up slowly and shut the curtains, blocking any sun from coming in. I grab a towel and an extra pair of clothing and go shower. After I blow dried my hair and put on clean clothes. Mike is already awake. "Well well, it looks like sleeping beauty is awake." I laugh and he shakes his head and rolls his eyes. He gets up and says "Well love, I have to go I start work today. Tomorrow you have your interview at 3." "Oh right" I replied. "You can come to work with me if you like. I don't think my boss would mind." "Oh really! Yess" you say excitingly. "I have afternoon shift so at 3pm."

  I nod and he kisses me on my forehead and says goodbye. I can't believe I'm his girlfriend... I'm so happy.

All I think about now- (Michael Afton x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now