Chapter 10: it's my choice

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(First of I want to thank JapoEnBert for their support!
Go read their story 'The Dot'
It's a little dot, trying to grow to fit in...
Enjoy chapter 10!)

~your POV~

I couldn't believe what he just did. He ran away like it was nothing. He left me like I was nothing.

I felt used. The moon was overshadowed by the clouds. My ancestors could see the useless elf I had become.

I decided to go to the starnexus, perhaps there was something there to keep my mind distracted.

When I arrived my vision was blurry because of tears. When I was done wiping them off, I saw the most beautiful place I had ever seen.

On top of the mountain, there was a lake. It reflected the stars, the lake looked like it could overflow every minute. This made it seem like the sky never ended.

I could feel the magic rush through me. I decided to put my feet in the water for a little bit, but to my surprise, the water wasn't fluid to me. It was solid and I could walk on it.

I stepped towards the center and lay down. I looked up, I had never seen the Via Lactae this clearly.

I should've felt at inner peace, but I could only think about him.
I saw his face in the dark.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. He hadn't used me, I gave myself to him.
I had always been reckless in not thinking things through, but this time, the consequences would lead to a century-long war.

'What have I done, even though I agree with him, there's something that is odd.'

"Draw the rune." A voice said out of nowhere.

I was startled and quickly got up.
I looked around, but there was no one except me.

"Draw the rune." The voice said again.

It was a low female voice that sounded hoarse.

"Hello...?" I said hesitating.
'What's up with me and strange voices these days...' I thought to myself.

"Draw the rune." The woman said again.
I was very confused and decided to ignore it, but the voice kept on repeating itself.

I couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "What ******* rune?"

"You know what rune, don't you feel the tingle in your fingers."

She was right, I did.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I danced while I was drawing the rune in the center of the solid lake.

When I was done I said the activation words and opened my eyes.

I was no longer on the lake, I was in a huge library, shelves so high they disappeared out of sight. Everything had a galaxy aesthetic. It was beautiful.

"Finally took you long enough," the same voice said.

I turned around a tall startouch elf stood in front of me. But she had black hair instead of white. She looked very calm but yet annoyed by me.

"So you're the one Aaravos is trying to protect."

I really thought it couldn't get any more confusing, but apparently, I was wrong.

"You know Aaravos?"

She nodded and said: "Yeah everyone does around here."

I looked around, but there was no one.
She rolled her eyes and said: "The rest is up in the night sky."

"I'm Nova, but I'm sure you already knew that."

I shook my head.

"Waitttt, aren't you the startouch elf that was raised by the moonshadow elves." She asked.

I nodded. 'She sure does talk a lot...' I thought to myself.
"Well, that's a rude thing to think." She replied.

"You can read minds?" I said shocked.
"You can't?" She asked.

There was silence for a bit.

"Anyway, I really should get going now," I said.

I started drawing the same rune I made for entering, but in the middle of it, Nova stopped me.

She took my hand and said: "If you wanna get to Aaravos I know a faster way."

She smiled.

I wrung my hand out of her grasp.

"Why are you doing this, I thought all the startouch elves lay a curse on him because they hated him?"

She sighed and her cheerful expression disappeared.
"I never wanted to, they forced me. Even though Aarvos made mistakes, he isn't bad or evil. He had always been rather distancing. But he seems to have a special connection with you and as his friend, I feel obligated to bring you guys back together."

"Now let's move!" Nova said.
I nodded. She ran to some kind of portal.
"Take my hand." She commanded.

I did as she asked.
"Ad Aaravos!"

Suddenly she jumped into the portal dragging me along.

Then everything went black for a second.

~Aaravos POV~

I was getting closer to Elarion, the town where most humans lived.

I was going to give the cube to one of their supremes so that they could ask Sol Regem for equality. It was the first big step in the plan.

Suddenly I heard footsteps that I'd heard before.
'No... it can't be'

I stopped walking.... I had left the unicorns a while ago because they already did enough for me.

"AARAVOS, YOU SON OF A *****" A voice shouted.

I chuckled and turned around.
Y/n was coming at me faster than the speed of light.

She stopped right before me and slapped me in the face.

"I probably deserved that one..." I said comforting my cheek from the hard slap.

"You think?" She said sarcastically.

Then she wrapped her arms around me.
"Why did you do that? It's my choice to be by your side even though this could end badly."

"I'm so sorry Y/n."

From behind the bushes, I saw Nova smiling at me. I winked back. That explained how Y/n got here so fast. My old friend always knew how to make me smile.

She then teleported back to the nexus. She was its guardian after all.

"Now let's go make some war!" She said while wiping away the tears in her eyes.

I nodded. We walked together to the village. The sun was rising. One night apart felt like a thousand. Never had I ever had such strong feelings for anyone.

While we were walking to Elarion we were going through the plan.

She was going to make a staff so the humans could do even more powerful magic than first intended.

Elarion was already in sight. She stopped.
"This is it... Elarion."
I nodded looking at the town.

The sky was filled with the colors of the sunrise.
Suddenly she kissed me while the first rays entered Xadia.

"It's all going to be worth it, I promise."

"I know it will."

We held hands walking the last few miles together...


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