Chapter 8: the truth can freeze

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The sun rose in the East, I turned my face away from the light trying to sleep some more.

As I turned around I bumped into something hard. I opened one eye to see what it was.

My face was burried in Aaravos chest. I rapidly turned around pretty embarrassed by what just happend.

I slowly rolled over again to see if Aaravos noticed. Luckily his eyes were still closed. I sighed in relief and tried to sleep some more.

~Aaravos POV~

I was in the middle of a nice dream till I suddenly felt something bump into me. I opened my eyes to see what it is.
Y/n had hit her face against my chest. I stayed silence. I pretending to be asleep because if she knew, that I knew she would probably be all ashamed and apologizing.

There was no need for her to do that. We were just friends. I mean that's how she thinks about me.

I decided to leave it be and tried to catch some more sleep.

After many failed attempts to fall asleep I decided to wake up and make some delicious breakfast.
Out of my bag I got a baguette and broke it into two.

I grabbed 2 cups out of my bag and put some hot water in them. 'Who knew having the water and sun arcanum mastered could be this handy?'

I put some leaves in them and let them soak in.
When the hot leaf juice was done, I decided to wake Y/n up.

I gently tapped her should but all she did was let out a groan.

"Wake up," I said, "I made you some hot leaf juice."
"Ugh, it's so early." she said with a hoarse voice.

I summoned some water and made it splash on her.

"Aah! Why did you do that! What's wrong with you." She exclaimed.

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but you this was the only way to make you wake up within the hour." I said trying to explain why she was soaked by water in the morning.

"Give me that hot leaf juice, I need it." she said demanding.

"As you wish my queen." I said teasing while giving her the cup.

She took a sip, the hot leaf juice was already cold. So... she decided to throw it on me.

"I probably deserved that one," I said while wringing out my wet hair.

Suddenly she got a purple tint and looked away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Uhm well, your clothes are wet."

I looked down at my clothes. I saw that my white shirt got transparent and revealed my abs.

I chuckled and said: "I know right, they're irresistible."

She rolled her eyes at me.
Her stomach started growling.

I handed her the half of the baguette.
She broke it in 3 pieces.

I was confused by what she was doing.
She stacked the 3 pieces and showed it to me.

"I call it a bread-sandwich!"
She took a bite and put up her thumb.

I gasped irronic and once again she rolled her eyes at me.

I decided to eat it my half 'the normal way'.

"Boring," she mumbled through her food.

After we finished eating and packing up we continued our journey.

We talked some more and she said that she didn't have a teacher or anything to teach her about the startouch culture.

I decided to teach her the basics. We didn't really had anything to do anyway.

I started by tell her about the 'Great Ones' who were the he first elves, 2 elves of each arcanum.

Even though my master was Henyos, we were the same age. But because he had the power to manipulate time he accidentally froze us for a century and decided to learn about life.

He passed on this knowledge to me and now I was going to pass it on to her.

The other elves had always been jealous and did not respect me because of this. They wanted the knowledge for themselves.

I also told her about the many constellations who had guided people for years.
I basically told her everything she had to know.

Time passed by very quickly and before we knew it we were at the star arcanum.

Well we had to climb a big mountain first.
Because the mountain was too steep we left the unicorns and went further on foot.

~your POV~

Aaravos had been very nice to me, teaching me about my own culture.

Many of my questions were solved although a lot remain unanswered.

I was going to start my 'spiritual journey' by climbing the mountain. He would be right behind me, but the idea was to find yourself.

We started climbing. The air got thinner as we went up. My companion drew a sky spell that granted us the power to breath in high altitudes.

I looked around to see how far Aaravos was behind. Against my expectations he wasn't there. I decided to go back and look for him.

After walking down I found him. Aaravos was sitting on a rock. I went up to him and grabbed his hand. He's body felt ice cold.

"What's wrong?", I asked shocked.
"The other startouch elves..." he said, "they layed a curse on me."

The sun began to set and little ice crystals started to form on his body. I tried to keep him warm by sitting close to him.

"Why did they lay a curse on you?"
"Perhaps..." he said unsure, "...perhaps it's time you need to know..."


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