Two Goodbye's and Two Hello's

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They both began pacing back and forth like two wild cats who have been caged. Ember had a bad feeling about this as she watched the two fight and suddenly it was fulfilled. In a moment the Zabrak caught Qui Gon off guard, disarming him.

She raised her hand as though she could stop what would happen next, and pain coursed through her as she watched Qui Gon be stabbed in the chest by a lightsaber as red as blood.

"Qui Gon!!"

Ember felt her husbands anguish, it was mixed with her own, but it was quickly covered by anger as the rays opened and the two rushed forward.

Ember dropped into her favored fighting style Form VII instead of Form IV which she typically used because her master hated the other so. This form was far more aggressive drawing on the dark side of the force, which she knew the Sith was not expecting.

Between her and Obi-Wan the creature fought hard, but the two young jedi were tired they had been on the run and barely slept for days. Finally the creature knocked Obi-Wan into one of the nearby melting pits making Ember lose her concentration so the Sith could knock her back into a wall. She was knocked out for a moment and when she woke, it was to find Obi-Wan flying out of the pit and cutting the Zabrak in two.

She smiled it was done, her smile dropped and she quickly turned to Qui Gon dragging herself forward on her hands and knees to his side. Obi-Wan quickly joined her



Qui Gon smiled through his pain at his two younglings, Ember so ready to fix all the wrongs in the universe. And Obi-Wan ready to follow her anywhere with a smile on his face, and a word of caution on his lips.

"Its too late."

Ember shook her head "No master we can get you to a healer."

He reached a hand out touching her face "Ember, your parents would be cough, so proud of the woman you have become." Ember stared at him with tears in her eyes as he continued "I am so proud of both of you, never let this world tear you apart" He dropped his hand and looked toward Obi-Wan "Obi-Wan promise...promise me you'll train the boy.."

Obi-Wan nodded his head tears streaming down his cheeks "Yes, Master."

"He is the chosen one...he will...bring balance...train him!"

In that moment Qui Gon breathed his last, leaving the two young jedi alone weeping and grieving in each others arms.


It wasnt until the Jedi's council landed on Naboo that Obi-Wan and Ember made their way out of the hanger. They approached the masters bowing respectfully, Yoda moved forward looking at his former padawan, his anger at her vanished in a moment as he spied the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"My Ember? Cry you do?" He had called her My Ember when she was a child but had dropped it when she was 15

Ember dropped to her knees so she could cry on her masters shoulder, he almost pulled back but stopped himself, as he remembered the young padawan he had found in the halls of the temple so many years ago.

He wrapped his small arms around her as best he could while he looked to Obi-Wan who also looked saddened, the young padawan spoke

"Master Qui Gon... He, he fell in battle." All of the masters gasped in horror as Embers body racked with more sobs, and Yoda stroked her hair comfortingly.

Suddenly a very familiar ship landed behind them and Yoda smiled knowing this was what his padawan needed "Look."

Ember raised her tear stained face and turned to look at the ship, the ramp came down and two familiar figures made their way down. She stood and ran forward immediately she was wrapped in the arms of her uncle and aunt.

Somewhere in the Gray- A Star Wars Story- Obi-WanXOCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin