Chapter 1

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2005. A lot of things happened that year. Maybe too many things.

Spring break ended a few weeks ago. It was hard to go back to scholarly habits but everyone did their best. Now that the new semester had begun, students should focus on working and the finals that would come at the end. Thinking about it now maybe bee too soon, but the finals were closer than they appeared. It was in three months and three months that could pass very quickly between homework and personal life. Sakiko tried not to think about it too much. It would stress her out and stress wasn't good for her. She had been feeling that discomfort in her chest for a few weeks now. She didn't want it to worsen nor to worry Satohiko. He was already always so concerned about the Yamashita girl, Sakiko didn't want to add more. Besides, Satohiko had already called the doctor.

The brown-haired girl sighed and shook her head. She wanted to think about something that wouldn't make her anxious and she did exactly the opposite. Sakiko shook her thoughts away and just kept walking in the busy corridor of the school. She was in her last year of middle school which was quite thrilling. It was as if a new chapter was about to be close and a new one would start. She heard a lot about high school from her teachers or from the former seniors of the music club that would visit from time to time. They said that it was different from middle school, but the atmosphere was different in a good way. Sakiko couldn't wait to finally have a taste of it.

Her trail of thought came to an end when she caught sight of the room she was looking for. She peeked inside and smile. The room was full empty of its students except for one. A boy with thick glasses was focused on his notebook. His long black hair was tied in a ponytail with a few strands falling on his face. Sakiko couldn't help but chuckle at him. Thinking about his version outside, it was a completely different person. He would wear his hair loose and had no glasses - he didn't need any anyway - allowing everyone to see his sharp eyes. He would look way more intimidating, it was clashing with the person he was at school. It was day and night.

"Hi, Baji-kun," Sakiko smiled, as she stepped into the class.

The boy looked up and smiled at her.

"Oh, yo, Saki," Baji smiled.

"You're still working? Shouldn't you eat?"

"If I don't work and fail this year, my mom will kill me," he explained.

Baji was the same age as Sakiko and should be in her class. But the year prior, he had to redo his year. He told her his mom cried and was mad at him. Baji didn't want to make his mom sad again so he was working harder this year to make her proud. Despite being a delinquent, Baji was quite upright and had held his morals.

Sakiko sighed but still chuckled.

"I figured you would say that," she said as she placed a box on his table. Baji frowned and looked at her, confused.


"I made another bento this morning," she smiled.

"I can always count on you, Saki," Baji smiled as he opened the bento box. Rice was on the side with fried shrimps and a few side dishes.

"If you don't eat well, you'll lose your next fight," she said with a scowl, her arms crossed over her chest.

"No way," he scoffed. "I'm Toman's First Division Captain, there's no way I lose,"

"If you're not healthy, you will," she said then nodded toward the bento box. "So eat,"

Baji slightly frowned but still ate, knowing deep down she was right. He would never admit it, of course. But if he doesn't have all his strength, it gives room for mistakes and mistakes could be lethal during fights. And as the Captain of the First Division of Toman, he could not make any mistake. Because mistakes meant, in the worse cases, death.

My Sanity | Tokyo Revengers [Sano Manjiro x OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora