Adoration (pt 2)

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here you go you thirsty animals

Camilo's POV

Today's the day! I'm finally going to confess to Y/N. After months of pining, Dolores finally convinced me to "woman up and stop being such a baby".

Her words, not mine.


How am I going to confess to Y/N?

I knock on Isabela's door and say, "Hey Isa? Can I ask a couple of questions?"

She opens her door and says, "Finally gonna fess up to Y/N?"

I blush a bright red and nod, avoiding eye contact with my fangirling cousin. 

I sit down on her bed and say, "I don't even know how to talk to them! How am I ever going to tell them how I feel if even the slightest bit of eye contact makes me so nervous?"

Isa laughs, "You just have to speak from your heart. Cliche, I know, but it works. That's how Dolores got with Mariano, you know."

"So do I just... script it out or something? Send a letter? What do they even like..?" I start to panic. Again.

"Camilo," Isa interrupts, "Just be you. I'm sure Y/N will be so happy to be your partner."

I think for a second before nodding slowly. I exit her room and head towards my own to change and fix myself to be more presentable.


There they are. Sitting on the fountain reading (favorite book) as they always do. 

I smile gently as their eyes glisten once they reach their favorite part. I shake my head and get back to reality. 

I have to tell them.

"Hey, Y/N," I say, trying to sound as normal as possible.

They look up and say, "Oh, hi Camilo! How are you this morning?" 

"G-great, how about you?"

They nod and smile that perfect smile at me. I swear I could pass out, they're so perfect.

"Uhm, I actually wanted to show you something," I manage to say (without stuttering!). 

Apparently, this piqued Y/N's interest. They set down their book and say, "Ooh! What is it?"

"Follow me," I smile. They stand up and follow me towards the stream where I set up a little hangout area for us to chill.

They smile, "Wow, this is so pretty, Cami!"

I blush at the nickname and say, "I- um, I was hoping that this could maybe be a date?"


I look up at Y/N nervously to see their (eye color) eyes sparkling more than I've ever seen. All of my anxiety washes away as soon as I hear their voice.

"I would love for this to be a date, Camilo."

camilo x reader oneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ