6- Bad Day?

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i made that ^^ you guys can use it for backgrounds or smth if you want :) (if u for some reason post it or smth pls credit me)
Camilo's POV

I hear the door to the apartment open and see my partner, Y/N, walk inside, putting their keys in the little bowl on the hutch.

"Welcome home, Mi Vida," I say, kissing them on the cheek.

"Hey Camilo," they sigh and put their work bag on the floor, plopping down on the couch and hugging a pillow.

"What's wrong, querida? Bad day?" I sit down next to them and wrap my arm around their shoulders.

Y/N nods as their eyes well up with tears and they lean their head into my shoulder.

My heart drops. I hate seeing my Y/N cry. I would take away any bad thing that happens and make everything perfect just to see them smile.

"It's okay, Mi Amor. Let it all out," I say, pulling them into my arms and petting their hair.

Y/N starts sobbing and sniffling, clinging onto my shirt as if their life depended on it.

Seeing them break down like this made my blood boil, but this is about Y/N.

"You don't need to talk about it if you don't want to. Just let it out and I'll make some (favorite food) for dinner. How does that sound?" I offer gently, kissing the top of their head.

They nod, still clinging onto me. I continue to pet their hair and whisper sweet nothings until they calm down to just sniffles.

"I'm going to get dinner ready. Do you want to come to the kitchen with me or stay here and watch TV?" I ask.

"Come with you," Y/N replies, their voice tender and shaky.

I nod and pick them up, walking to the kitchen and putting them down on the kitchen table.

"My boss yelled at me today. He said if I don't get this work done by tomorrow I'll need to have a meeting with him. Regan is so annoying, she never stops talking and hogs the printer all the time. I lost some documents and Jim kept flirting with me. GOD, I should just quit," Y/N complains, their voice near a yell.

"Oh, Mi Amor, I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to be treated like that. If quitting would make you happier, then do it. I'll support you either way," I smile gently and cup their cheeks.

They smile and rest their forehead against mine. I take the chance to kiss their soft lips before turning back to the stove.

"I'm so lucky to have you," I head them whisper.

I chuckle, "No, Mi Amor, I'm lucky to have you."

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