Oh thank god, that's what she meant, "look, maybe you're being a bit too hard on yourself. I mean, it's not like you two have broken up, right? I'm sure you can make it work if you just look and try to figure out what's wrong."

"I know exactly what's wrong," she blew a strand of hair from her face annoyed, "I'm an ice cold, overbearing shrew and guys like him just aren't into that."

"That seems a bit harsh..." thought not inaccurate...

Hanabi sighed, grabbing the small vial from her nightstand and pouring a few drops into her machine, "let's be honest, he's not entirely wrong. Being brought up as a Hyuga AND as the heir to the entire clan means being prim and proper at all times, not even letting a single hair to be our of place. If I had known this would be the result, I would have just slacked off and let my sister take over again."

Naruto didn't say anything.

"Just forget I said anything, okay? Let's just go to bed," she muttered before switching on the machine and dropping back onto the bed once it begam to whir and hum.

"Sure," he said awkwardly before grabbing his sheet setting himself down on the couch, "goodnight Hanabi."



Here we go again...

Naruto found himself once more in the haze filled room, with a very familiar weight pressing down on top of him. He felt her nipping at his neck playfully, followed by her moving down to his collarbone and then his chest.

Not this time, he thought firmly. He may be stuck in this recurring dream, but he was not going to let it play around with him anymore. His mind wasn't muddled anymore (for now) so he made sure to focus entirely on his wife that was waiting for him in the real world.

I love my wife, I love my wife, I love my wife, he chanted internally like a mantra.

Hanabi pulled herself up, glaring at the man under her. Naruto simply looked away, not even bothering to meet her gaze.


"Ow!" he spun his head around as his chest stung in pain, "what the fuck!?"


The heiress puller her hand back after hitting the exact same spot.

"Hey quit it!" he said angrily.

He raised her hand again, preparing to strike once more. Focusing all of his strength onto his right hand, the blonde ninja manage to shoot it forward and grab her by the wrist, intercepting it before she could land the blow.

"Ha!" he sneered in triumph, enjoying the shocked look on her face; however, it soon changed into a mischievous smirk, causing his heart to beat faster.

"W-What are you—?"

She slid her wrist down until her hand was holding his, slowly caressing his palm with her delicate fingers. He tried to pull away, but that last burst of energy apparently took all he had, and soon he found himself held by her grip and not vice versa. She raised his hand to her face and planted a kiss on his knuckles, causing him to blush.


He squirmed as she suddenly stuck his finger in her mouth, slowly beginning to suck and roll her tongue around it. She looked deep into his eyes, bearing deep within him while dragging her tongue against his finger in such a sultry manner.

I...love...my w-wife... Naruto struggled to focus, unable to look away from her eyes; smooth, perfect pearls with just a tinge of lavender looking at him with such lustful desire that he had never experienced before.

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