My Heart Part 4

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Thea P. O. B

I woke up early bathed and went downstairs for breakfast. Good morning family."why are you in a good mood so early and where are you going being all dressed up" my dad asked looking at me suspiciously just gonna go to Chris house he asked me to help him out with something. "I'll drive you there Shane is out on a mission for the day " my uncle Sipho said. "No thanks I'm good I'll drive." Call me when you get there " mom said as she kissed my forehead. Okay I will  see you later.

I drove by a flower shop and bought her a buket of white and yellow lilies hope she's not allergic to them.

I arrived at Bonitas got a table for two, "would you like to order anything while you wait" the waiter asked. "just water for now thanks" I said  checking the time on my phone and  when I looked there she was, standing in the door, I stood up and walked towards I pulled the chair for to sit on, I felt a hot stinging pain on my chick.

I quickly pulled her down to her chair and looked straight into her light brown eyes, I love playing rough but this is not the time or place. No w sit and smile.

I sat down too smiling and she had this surprised look on her  face. "Where is my phone," Thando asked trying not to look surprised.

"Come what's the rush let's order something to eat ill give you your phone".

" I have lots of businesses that i need take care of and I need my phone to that, this is no childs play and you know I could just shoot you now."Thando said." ooh yeah by the way I'm Thea Ngomane I would like to have you for desert are you crazy you don't even know me. Thando Zungu isn't Wade Zungu first born I know you see.She pull out her 9mm and pointed it at me under the table.  " How do you know that are you a spy?"     
"well everyone knows your family it's no secret relax let's order and eat".


She caught me off guard when, she pulled me down to my chair after slapping her, she looked at me straight into my eyes and I could fell my inside turn for no reason. The only reason I even agreed to come here was because of my phone.

She's so arrogant and too confident I don't like that about her, But she's cute though and her eyes keep staring at me like she could see my soul. All the people who have died with this gun that I keep pointing at her and she doesn't even look scared of it.

We ordered and ate, I can't believe that this girl thinks,I  could be with her how naive of her. I'll show her not too mess with me. " so love tell me what would you like to do after lunch?" she asked while holding my right hand. "I would like to have my phone back" i said while glaring daggers at her.

We ate our lunch while we were eating i received a call, from my dad say dad one of our warehouse got attacked some of my man were injured. There some counterfeit money that was stolen. I had to rush


She received a call from her, dad it wasn't a good call because, she had a look of concern when she left, so I decided to send her  flowers to cheer her up later on. I went home, called Chris and we talked for a while. I went downstairs for dinner.

"As one of our warehouses was burned down  and also one of our trucks got hijacked,I don't think it's safe for Thea to attend school, for now."My grandfather said with a worried look on his face." I suggest that she should be home schooled for the rest of this semester."my dad said looking at me with caring eyes." who do you think is involved in this, "uncle sipho asked as he shoved a piece of meat in his mouth

" Well could it be the Khumalos"Dad? asked. "I don't think so because one of their warehouses was under attack also today " mom said while ta a sip of her red wine, that was her second glass she usually drink too much when she is worried.

"Nonetheless we should pay them a visit it definitely wasn't them" Uncle Sipho said as he stood up to pour himself a drink. My uncle is always drinking, I there's more alcohol than blood in him. " Can I come with you guys? I have to learn how the business works how you guys handle, such situations."  " okay mshana you can come just make sure, you sit down be quiet and let us deal with this issue, when we get there" Uncle Sipho said as he towards the front door. " where are you going this late?" My dad.

" I'm going to help out our neighbor her bed is broken". My uncle said as he kept walking outside. "Where her husband catches you one day i am not getting involved". Grandfather said. We finished eat and went to take, a quick shower then called if he could come by tomorrow after lunch.

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