Kiss Me Slowly

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The sun finally set, the stars brought little light to the village. The stars also brought a path for the orange earth pony and pegasus mare."You do know if you get caught you could be sent into the dungeon or worst killed!"Rainbow cried out, Applejack shushed her. "It ain't that hard, it'll be in an' out thing. Also be quiet as a mouse."The rainbow mane mare rolled her eyes, she sigh sounding bored. The walk was silent until they reach the wall of the crystal and stone castle. The two mare's hid in a bush."Alright how are we going to get in?"The cyan mare ask. Applejack isn't one who thinks deeply about things, it's not because she dumb, she has a well knowledge for being a peasant. She rather do actions before thinking so it's why she simply hop on the pegasus.
Rainbow groan in annoyance,"Are you kidding me?!" She whisper shouted,"I'm not some kind of horse to be ride on!"

"Ya'll a pony an' ya'll have wings. So shut yer mouth an' fly me over the wall." Rainbow grumble as her wings start flapping."Thanks RD, ya a true friend." Rainbow rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. She had trouble flying the mare- 'Geeze AJ why are you so darn heavy?' She thought to herself once over the wall. She land on the glass floors, which shine sparkly clean. "Okay, here's the plan."She huddle the orange mare."I'll wait here since it's the closes to our exit way, and if anything goes wrong shout 'Nyan Pony' and I'll fly in and save you." Rainbow explain with a exited smile, just thinking of the action and danger bought a smile to her muzzle. The orange mare gave a skeptical look,"Why Nyan Pony?"She asked."Sounds like a stupid reference to something."

Rainbow groan, rolling her eyes.
"Ugh forget it!"She shouted,"I'll wait here and if anything just scream help." Applejack nod and start to search which tower her princess is staying.


Meanwhile, Rarity lay in her bed, upset and uncomfortable about the idea of Fluttershy and what her disgusting father had done. That is, if she could call him a father. Not once in her younger filly years has her father show one cared for her or SweetieBelle. She tossed and turn until she faced her window. The stars and moon look absolutely beautiful ' but not as beautiful as her.' She stood and trot to the window. Her blue eyes stare at the small village.

Her heart ache for the mare she met today. She know she met the mare just a few hours, but this mare name Applejack just brings butterflies in her stomach and makes her heart pound loudly against her chest. In her mind the scene of what could of happen brought a smile to her lips. She closed her eyes, imaging the beautiful orange mare, and how charming and cute she is. She sigh sadly, oh how her heartache for this mare she just met. "Applejack." She sigh sadly.

"Ya called mah name?"Her eyes instantly snap open. That familiar accent. It can't be? She look down and her heart skip a beat. Standing below is the mare her heart ache for. The orange mare stood below her with a smile,"Applejack what are you doing there?! Hurry climb this." Rarity's horn glowed around the roots of the tower and made a ladder like. Applejack did what she was told and climb up and sat on the window."What are you doing Applejack?"

"Well, ya did said ah won mah way in yer chambers after dark."The orange mare joked causing the princess to blush.
AppleJack's face soften and she stare at the princess."Look princess, Ah couldn't just watch ya leave mah life just like that. Ah don't know... But ah feel this warm feelin' in mah heart an' it happen because of ya gorgeous self. Ah never felt this way before- ya somethin' rare an' ah know this is silly of me but ah love ya princess. Ah know we just met but ah-." A white hoof stop her from talking. Rarity stare deeply in those beautiful emerald eyes, those emerald eyes shine brighter than any stars or light she has seen. The princess lean closer, laying her forehead on the mare's forehead."Just kiss me slowly~" Applejack closed the gap, their lips contacting with each others. Her farmer heart exploded, and her stomach are doing 360 flips and turns.
Rarity heart soared. The butterflies in her stomach multiplied and are flying insanely in her stomach.

The kiss deepen when Rarity hooves wrap around the orange mare's neck, pulling her closer. The princess felt the tongue of the orange mare. The tongue begging for entrance, which the princess allowed. They discover every inch of each other mouths, showing the love they have for each other. Applejack hooves rub the princess back carelessly. Trailing up and down. Moans escape the princess mouth. Applejack smile during the kiss. The princess surely won't be the only one who will make such noises.

The two pulled apart, a strain of saliva followed. The two out of breath, panting heavily. Both of their faces has a faint blush.
This- this is just wow for them.
Neither of them experience this, and neither want it to end. Rarity began to trail kisses on the orange mare's neck. Kissing and sucking. Applejack bit her bottom lip, not allowing a single noise from her mouth to escape.
A moan escape her mouth when the princess found her sensitive spot, a spot she had hope she wouldn't find.

Rarity smile when she start sucking at the certain stop of her neck."P-Princess."Applejack stuttered. She let out a moan unable to hold it back."P-Please s-stop." Her words may say stop, but her body says something else when her hooves wrap around the princess neck. She moan again, feeling in complete bliss-
The more Rarity kissed and suck, the more a overwhelming feeling
Over come her body that feeling kept building up until the mare couldn't help it.

She tackle the mare to the floor and aggressively attack the lips of the princess. Her orange hoof rub the sides of the princess bringing sounds of pleasure from the princess. "Applejack make me yours." Rarity moan as her hoof rub Applejack's back."Are ya sure?" Applejack broke away staring in those lustful blue eyes.
"I'm sure." She said kissing the lips of the peasant. "Ya sure?" She question again. She does not want to ruin what they are starting to have by a doing something wrong. The mare below her flip around.

Applejack lay on the floor as the princess straddle on her.
The princess lean over her ear,"As princess command, I am making you mine." She whisper so low and seductive, she then bit her ear earning a soft moan.


What's a love story without some Love~ ;) hehe....
Anyway title of this chapter inspire by the song Kiss Me Slowly by parachute.
Tad tad

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