"Where's Princess Rarity?"

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She fixed the brown hat on her blonde hair which is tied to the side. Her orange coat filthy with dirt- she trot faster with the Apple cart behind her. The sun barely rose when she reach the village shop area. She set her cart and is ready to sell.
She watch as ponies of the village slowly waking up and trotting the streets. Her stomach growl in hunger but she dare not eat a apple from her stand. No matter how tempted to eat one of the nice juicy red apple, she must remember there is only ten to sell. Back home she must feed her little sister since her older brother is off fighting the griffon war.
She sigh, just thinking about her brother is enough to bring sadness. There are two reason why her brother at war. The first reason is whoever fights in the war will get a good amount of bits, and the second reason the so call great King Sombra forced many stallions to fight in the war. Her stomach growls interrupt her thoughts- oh how badly she's tempted to grab a apple.
"Why don't you just eat one of your apples?"A mare's voice above said.
The earth pony mare look above her to see the rainbow mane pegasus.
She sigh,"Ah can't. Ah only have ten apples ta sell." She replied dryly.
The pegasus lower to the ground.
"Not your best year?"She ask as if it isn't obvious. The earth pony mare nod her head."Hasn't been best year Fer two years now. Ah rather feed mah sister an' starve then have mah sister starve." The pegasus replied by tossing six bits with a warm smile.
"Here I bought a apple for you." The earth pony smile warmly before chowing down the apple.
"Thank ya Rainbow."The orange coat mare said. Rainbow rolled her eyes, smiling."No problem Applejack, that's what friends are for."Rainbow replied."I gotta head out and wake Scootaloo up for school. You know that filly hates going to school."
Applejack chuckle."Well tell her that ah said AppleBloom like those who like goin' ta school." Rainbow chuckle a little.
"Oh if I told her that she would already be at school. Well see ya later!"With that said the cyan pegasus zoomed off, leaving the earth pony alone once again. Seconds turns to minutes, and no luck, nopony hasn't stop for apples. She sigh once again when her stomach growled loudly.
Her stomach causing her a aching feeling of emptiness. Her stomach growl, asking for food, asking for food she does not have. She closed her eyes as her stomach growled once again."Excuse me."Applejack open her eyes to meet icy blue eyes which send shivers down her spine. Those blue icy eyes reflects the mare, beautiful and rare- rare in this case because most of the village ponies never have such lovely blue eyes.
Though the purple cloth cover most of her body and face she could see very little of her face. The mare lower her hood and Applejack was breathless. The mare under the hood is beautiful- no gorgeous! The sudden growls from her stomach stop, it seem her heart has stop, metaphorically. Those blue eyes meant she is royal- Her heart race now fully knowing who she is, or what she is title as. 'Princess Rarity'
"I was taking a stroll when I can't help but notice how naturally beautiful you are?"Applejack tilt her head, a faint blush on her muzzled."A-Ah what?"The beautiful princess giggle in her hoof bringing weird flutters in Applejack's stomach.
"I must apologiz-" Applejack raise her hoof stopping the breathtaking mare.
"No need ta apologize- it's just it ain't like everyday a breathtaking mare compliments me." Applejack notice the small blush on the princess face- isn't she always showered with compliments?
"Why thank you for calling me breathtaking. Many ponies calls me many things..." She smile uneasy,"But I know most of them just want to be in my chamber after dark."
"An' how ya know Ah don't wanna be in ya chamber after dark."She joked, immediately she mentally face hoof herself. She expect the princess to look at her angrily, instead the princess lean closer to the orange mare, very close, so close. The princess then whisper"Well, in this case, you won your way in my chambers." The princess add a small wink, and giggle. Applejack's heart pound loudly against her chest, her hooves felt weak, weird twist and turns are happening in her stomach, and all because of this breathtaking mare."A-Ah was jokin'." The orange mare stuttered. Rarity gave a expression towards Applejack that is unknown to her."I was not."
Applejack swallow the lump in her throat. She wants to look away from those blue icy eyes, but those icy eyes trap in her a trance- it's luring her..... Her stomach growled loudly breaking her from the trance. For the first time she thank her stomach for growling."Do you want to get something to eat?"The princess ask.
"Ah don't got bits ta spen-"
The princess shook her head.
"Allow me to pay for your food."Applejack open her mouth to refuse but the breathtaking mare grab hold of her hoof.
"Let me pay for you." Her emerald eyes stare deeply in those blue eyes, in those icy blue eyes she felt warmness.
"Okay." The princess smiled.


Once they bought their food, Applejack held a half eaten loaf of bread, and Rarity had eat her loaf of bread already. The orange mare led the princess out of the shop area of the village,"May I ask where we are going?"Rarity ask politely.
"Ah just need ta leave this half load of bread at mah home, an'..." She trailed off, turning her head with a faint blush,"An' Ah wanna show ya something." The princess followed the orange mare.
It been such a fun time with this mare- this mare she yet hasn't have her name. Rarity felt like smacking herself for not asking the beautiful mare her name. This mare whom has the most gorgeous eyes, that isn't the only thing gorgeous about this mare.
Everything about this mare is beautiful- even in horrible cloth clothes she pull the looks.
Her princess heart pound loudly, just thinking about the orange mare is enough to have her heart pounding and butterflies fluttering.

"Uh, we're here."The beautiful orange mare spoke, sounding uneasy.
Rarity look at the small shed, she understood why the mare would sound uneasy. The two trot inside to immediately see three fillies inside.
And one filly she knows so well.
"SweetieBelle!?"The princess shouted in surprise. A small unicorn filly with pink and purple curls hid behind to other fillies. "Hey sis."SweetieBelle spoke.
"Cool two princess at your house blooms!"The small orange pegasus filly shouted in excitement. Rarity eyes watch the small earth pony filly with red mane hug the beautiful orange mare."Hiya sis! Guess ya also friends with a princess!"The small filly smiled.
The beautiful mare hugged the smaller filly."Ya'll have a lot of talkin' later." The beautiful mare said.
The filly smile nervously, laughing a little. The older orange mare toss the half loaf to the smaller filly.
"Here's lunch an' dinner." The beautiful mare turn to the princess.
"Can ah still show ya sumthin' ?" The princess nod her head with a smile.
The beautiful mare smile in respond and exit the small shed. Rarity followed the mare until they stop in front of a wall of stones. It's the stone boarder of Ponyvile.
King Sombra has build walls of stone to protect his kingdom, and the village. She watch closely as the beautiful mare kick a small portion of the wall making a small tunnel?
The princess tilt her head in confusion-"What are yo-"
She could see it's a small entrance to the wall?"Ah hope you don't mind of lil of dirt." The beautiful mare spoke before crawling inside the wall.
The princess bit her button lips- she does mind a little bit if dirt.
She inhale and exhale- it's for the beautiful mare. She crawl under feeling her fur under the dirt.
She closed her eyes, it's all for the mare. She open her eyes and her eyes shine in adoration. She never seen so much beauty. Trees of all shape and size surround the area, a small crystal clear river flow the grounds.
Getting a little dirty was worth to see this."Hello?"Her voice echo around.
No respond nor sight of the beautiful mare. She hear some bubbling noises from the river. She trot towards the clear water, looking at her reflection.
Suddenly the water rose and the princess was taken under the water.

Rarity panic, her eyes open wide seeing the beautiful mare holding her under water."Howdy."The mare shouted under the water.
The two swam up, Rarity felt her cloth and herself soaking wet.
Rarity growl as she attempt to kick her legs. Her forelegs wrap around the orange mare's neck.
"How dare you make me soaking wet!" The princess shouted holding her grip around the mare. Now she regret not taking swimming lesson when she had the chance. The orange mare chuckle,"Ah do have that affect Fer mares."She winked.
The princess rolled her eyes, trying her best not to smile- she failed miserably when she start laughing.
"Darn, why must you be so charming uh- it seems I never caught your name?" She laugh nervously.
"Applejack." 'Applejack' so perfect for somepony like her....
"A beautiful name does go with somepony beautiful as you."She lean a little closer to the mare name Applejack.
"But not as beautiful as you princess~"
Her heart raced, she felt the cold water becoming warmer. The town lean their heads until their foreheads are touching."I may be a princess but you are surely a queen."
The two lean closer, their lips coming close-
"AppleJack Help!" Applejack hear her sister cries. She instantly nicely put Rarity on the surface and rushed out.
Her eyes widen, her ears fell back.
Five guards seize the small fillies expect SweetieBelle."Where Princess Rarity!"

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