Morning Princess

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Once upon a time in the small village of Ponyvile, stood a large castle made of stones and crystals. The castle itself is beautiful, but what lives inside is much more beautiful. Inside one of the tallest towers sleeps a mare. The mare is such a beautiful gracious creature.
Her coat so white and clear like the snow, her mane a beautiful shade of purple and perfectly in curls.
Her snoring a perfectly soft snore.
Everything about this mare is perfect.
Sadly, the mare was awoken by a soft knock at her door. The beautiful mare stir before opening her crystal blue eyes. She sat up, turning her head at her window, she stare at the sun slowly rising up. She sigh, the day has begun.

Somepony knock at her door. Her head snap at the door."Princess Rarity."The voice said out the door.
Rarity forced a smile on face. She wonder when has she truly smile? She dislike being a princess. She does not want to sound selfish, but being a princess isn't everything. Sure a princess gets what she want, expect freedom from her father."Come in Fluttershy." The door open slightly, and out came walking inside a pegasus mare. The mare's bright buttery coat cover by a poorly made brown material dress. Her bubble gum hair braid to the side with a small butterfly clip. Hung around her hooves is a fold purple material Though her outfit isn't the nicest, the mare herself is nice. "Good morning Princess Rarity." The mare greeted. The princess showed a friendly smile, rolling her eyes she says,"Fluttershy, Darling. How many times have I told you? You are my friend, no need to be so formal by calling me 'princess'."

Fluttershy closed the door, giving a nervous smile."My apology. But you know how your father is-"
"You mean a frightful flankhole." Rarity butt in. Fluttershy shrunk a little."W-Well... No offense Princess."
Rarity raised her hooves, shaking her head,"It's okay Fluttershy."She reassure."Now did you bring what I had ask yesterday?" Fluttershy nod her head, passing the purple material. The unicorn happily grab hold of the purple material by her blue aura, she then cover her body by the material and rose it to her head.
The princess wears the purple material as a hood, and it certainly looks good on her. But it covers her beautiful face."Now, Fluttershy. You are my friend right?"The pegasus ears perk up and She nod her head.
"Friends do favors for friends right? Well Fluttershy will you cover for me while I sneak away in to the village?"
Rarity pray to Fraust that the pegasus will agree to do this.
"B-But princess! Your father does not allow you go to down the village."
"That's exactly why I am going to sneak in the village."Rarity explain."Please Fluttershy just cover for me! I'll promise to return before dinner." The princess beg.
The pegasus look around the room, many thoughts raced her mind. She sigh giving a small smile.
"Be back before dinner." The princess immediately wrap her hooves around the pegasus. The unicorn repeatedly says 'thank you' she let go of the pegasus and trot to the window.
Her horn light up causing tree vines to slithery her way casting a vine ladder. She turn to the pegasus,"Thank you again Fluttershy."
The pegasus smile, watching the princess climb down the vine ladder.........

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