"We have actually never met with Arceus, we have have noticed it, when Hoopa bought six legendaries at a time. It caused a space-time void wrap but suddenly Arceus came and saved all of ours lives from dying", Clemont explained what happened with them in kalos.

"I have also met with Arceus but face to face. I met Arceus with Dawn back in Sinnoh, when it held a grudge on someone. Arceus was hell bent on destroying the world then. Ash was the one to stop Arceus when he was able to change Arceus's outlook on humans when we went back in time", Brock then faltered after remembering of Ash's exploits, ashamed of themselves.

"Calem should forfeit right now, or else getting humiliated infront of the whole world will be his problems", Kenny spoke his opinion.

"W-wait, I'm sure Calem has a plan, right...?", Serena tried to defend his boyfriend.

"Y-yeah, I'm sure he'll make a comeback! Right May?", Max
also defended his idol. May only stayed silent, knowing the outcome of the match already.

"Max... Ash already destroyed five of
Calem's Pokemon with only a little Pikachu and Espeon and a Greninja whom Ash didn't want to use. Calem could've at least lost with dignity if he didn't say what he said earlier. And now, Ash is going to make Calem suffer", Brock told Max, who was still in denial that his idol will not lose.

At Dahara City,

Meray was watching TV in her home and her boyfriend, Baraz, who was changing clothes. She was a little sad that Hoopa had to go but she still recovered from it. She was watching the kanto Championship battle between Calem and Ash. She was also shocked when she saw Ash is the Alpha Champion. In her TV, there was going on the sixth round of Championship battle. She was waiting which Pokemon, Ash will choose at the last. She was also angry on Calem that he was telling bad things about Ash's girlfriend. But the angerness became to wide eyed and jaw dropped expression when she saw the last Pokemon of Ash. It was non other than Arceus. She can't believe how is it possible. She ran like a bullet train and went to Baraz's room where he was changing clothes. She knocked thousand times then Baraz came out.

"What happen Me-", Baraz got off by the dragging.

"Baraz, come with me, I have to show you something", said Meray while dragging Baraz. She took him to the TV room. When Baraz saw what's going on, he became wide eyed as well, just like Meray.

"How this is even possible", said Baraz wide eyed. "Meray... we have to go to Kanto region", he went to pack his clothes and same with Meray.

At Machina town,

This same happened with Sheena and Kevin in Machina town. They were too shocked that Sheena almost fainted. Kevin however was a little more strong than Sheena so he didn't fainted. But both then decided they will go to Kanto as fast as possible.

At the field in kanto,

"N-no What kind of monster is that!?", Calem yelled, still in the ground.

"If you have gone to Sinnoh region, then you will understand" whispered Ash.

'Chosen one, why have you picked me to battle a weakling. I thought, you will choose me for a strong opponent', everyone was shocked to hear Arceus speak out to his trainer.

"I'm sorry Arceus, for calling you out this early. Just my mind to find out why I chose you for this battle", Arceus nodded, and his eyes glowed to read Ash's mind.

After reading Ash's mind, he glared
at Calem. 'How dare you betray my master. I will make sure to show what is true power and what Choosen one can do. You all will regret ever betraying Choosen one!', Arceus glared at the traitors, while they cowered in fear. 'And now... You have the gall to insult, Chosen one's Mate!', Arceus roared at Calem. Ash smirked at the fear in Calem's eyes. 'Let's just end this fight, it's too much boring to get so many stares. Also it's better to stay with all the Pokemons in the Pokeball dimension', Arceus then focused at Serperior who feared for its life.

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