My first book but it's on crack

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Plagg, banging desperately on Marinette's door: Mari, we need to go. COME OUT!

Marinette: I'm gay.

Plagg: That's not what I meant but I fully support you...


Marinette: Welcome home, Carmen, I found some fidget spinners. Maybe if I use them, I'll look more human.

Carmen, who just returned from the grocery store, and is absolutely furious: grr...


Fu: be who you want to be.

Adrien: can I start a revolution?

Fu: and stick it to the humans.


Carmen: so, Zari-

Marinette: *bursts in* Carmen is dating is Jules!

Zari: *Lisa smirk*

Carmen: *glaring at Marinette and blushing*


Carmen: You are human.

Marinette: then why don't I have red blood, bones and flesh instead of a plastic frame and artificial muscles in my body?!

JIF TextsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora