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Leo's POV  (This is gonna be fun~)

I looked around. It was supposed to be our working day but Scorpio had told her uncle they wanted a holiday for two days for a special occasion. Her uncle had grumbled but she told him we would work extra hard. 

Libra had later remembered that it was Leah's 19th birthday. The girls were excitedly packing gifts for Leah. I groaned as Libra scolded me for lazing around and told me to pack my gift. I got up, sulking because she had stopped me from playing the horror games that I could, and walked in my room. I had chose a beautiful black dress for um.. Leah? Aries had helped me pick the dress. 

Honestly, she would look better in it. 

I grinned at the thought of her uncomfortably standing with the black dress with a grumpy look on her face. I quickly grabbed some black wrapping paper, wrapped the dress with was in a box  and taped a black ribbon. I took some paper, wrote my name and slapped it on the gift. I smiled at what I had made. It was slightly messy but it was in my fav color and looked good enough. I looked at the clock.

5pm... Four more hours till we gotta dance till we die.

I yawned and fell back on my bed, my hands behind my head as I looked up at the ceiling.

~Time skip to 9pm~

We arrived when the party was at full swing. Almost. Aries started dancing in her place and Aqua joined her, grinning. Pisces looked around, slightly scared and clutched Scorpio's hand. Scorpio looked startled, her eyes darting from Pisces to the rest of the group. 

Was that a blush? I squinted at Scorpio.

Libra walked in front of our group and handed her gift to a girl, who I think was Leah. 

Leah was pretty attractive, with tanned skin, blonde hair and brown beautiful eyes. She had a pleasant smile and was wearing a red shimmery party dress. She had a drink in her hand. As I took in her beauty, the others walked forward and handed their gifts. She laughed and thanked them. I walked forward with my gift and handed it to her. ''M'lady~'' I whispered.

She looked at the gift and placed it on the table which had all the other gifts. ''Thank you. Please enjoy.'' she said, smiling. Before I could say anything else, Aries pushed me forward with the other boys with instructions to enjoy because they had some 'girl talk'. Virgo walked at the back of the group with a glass of something while I raced forward, dancing to the beat and yelling out the lyrics. 

~Time skip to 11pm~

''You look nice.''

''I know.. Libra helped me pick the outfit.''

Aries nodded, and took another skip of her drink which, I hoped, wasn't alcohol. Scorpio and Pisces were on the dance floor, which was unusual, but Capricorn had dared them into it and was dancing with them. Saggi was playing spin the bottle with some stick-thin models and Virgo looked distracted, drinking wine and talking to the rest of the group. 

''Leo...'' Aries whispered, gently prodding my hand with her finger. ''Leo.''

I looked up. ''Yeah..?'' I asked, sleepily. It was 11pm and it had been a long night. Aries motioned at a room. I looked at where she was motioning. Virgo was following someone in the room. To me, he looked worried and scared. ''Wanna follow?'' Aries whispered. I shook my head. ''Too lazy.'' 

''Come on.''

''No. He might want privacy.''

''Come onnnn Leo.''


Aries finally gave up. She yawned and scanned the room, looking for Libra. She spotted Libra twerking with a couple of guys and got up to join her bestfriend. As soon as she did, Leah sashayed towards me. ''Hey handsome~'' she whispered, her hand on my shoulder.


I smiled politely. ''We need to go home now. It's almost 11:30.'' She dropped her seductive face and blinked. ''Oh.. Yeah uh sure. See you..'' she said, her hand now on her hips. ''Yeah see you.'' I said, smiling. 

Never. I thought. 

I put my hands in my pockets and swiftly walked towards Saggi. He was dancing with a couple of girls who didn't look like they cared for Saggi. I grabbed him by the elbow, spinning him around to face me. ''Leave them alone, you got Libra.'' Saggi blinked and for the first time in my life, I saw him blushing. ''How do you know bro..'' Saggi whispered, his eyes on Libra. I smirked. ''I'll tell you at home. Now go get the others and lets go home. I need to get away from Leah.'' 

He walked up to Libra and Aries, then to Gemini and Cancer. I walked out of the house, my eyes on the sky above me. I looked at the stars above and looked at them. Something inside me was making me queasy as if something bad was going to happen any time now.

~Time skip to 12am~

''Aww you didn't have to be so rude. Poor Leah.'' Libra said, pouting. I rolled my eyes. ''Please- She was pathetic. Even Virgo can seduce better.'' Virgo smirked. Pisces smiled at all of us. ''Guys, if we're done with all the jokes, can I announce something?'' We all turned towards Pisces.

She opened a piece of paper and looked up. ''So.. I noticed that all of us haven't mixed with each other yet. Not exactly. We still have our besties and though its not bad, the others may feel left out. Like me. So I was thinking how about a sleepover? The girls have one sleepover and the boys have another one. It'll help us interact. Now vote in the favor of the sleepover!'' Pisces said and raised her hand.

I raised my hand too. So did Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Saggi, Gemini and Taurus. ''Perfect. The sleepover is on next Saturday. Now good night everyone!'' Pisces yelled, folding the piece of paper in her hand. ''Wait a second.'' Libra said, stopping us in our tracks. She pointed at Virgo. ''You were alone in a room at the party and you looked worried. What's up?'' 

Poor Virgo. 

Virgo looked at her, startled. ''Um.. Well..'' He looked around. ''Well you see..''  ''See what?'' Libra demanded. 

''He was with me.'' Cancer said, sighing. ''We were talking. Its not a crime.'' 

Libra blinked. ''Oh. I thought he looked... Never mind. Good night everyone.'' 

I grunted, shoving my hands in my pockets. Saggi ran towards me. ''LEO! You didn't tell me how you guessed I liked Libra!'' He called. 

Oh yeah.. Saggi and Libra..

* * *


1100 words ~


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