Girl Power

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A/N: OKAY OMG I SCREAMED WHEN I SAW I HAVE FIVE (???!!!) MORE FOLLOWERS AND ALMOST 1k READS- I MEAN HOW TF IS THIS BOOK THIS POPULAR??!! BRO I- THANK YOU EVERYONE AHHHH!!! Also when we hit 1k reads, you guys can request dares this time, for me to do. Is that fun? IDK- BUT I WANNA ENGAGE WITH YALL. Also Im so fucking sorry for updating this late. I have exams and I literally haven't studied a single thing lol. Also, this chapter is dedicated to Women's Day.

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Capricorn's POV

''So how did your sister die again?'' Virgo asked. 

''Car crash. Because of a drunk driver. My dad.'' Gemini replied.

''That's kind of cliché- Like someone's death in a book. In Wattpad.'' Virgo said, tilting his head. 

''Shush.'' Cancer whispered, gently slapping his arm.

''And. I'm not telling any one of you about what happened to me.'' Virgo, declared, looking at the door, longing to get away. ''I can't tell everyone about it. It brings back bad memories. And I don't want them now.'' He got up, and stretched. ;;Let's call this off. It's 11:30pm guys. Go sleep.''

''Okay dad.'' Leo said, groaning. ''Who wants some mac and cheese?~'' I whispered, grinning at a glaring Virgo. There were shouts of 'me, me' and almost everyone raced to the kitchen. ''You're like a big sis. I love it.'' Libra said, smiling as she ran behind Saggi. I nodded and followed them, talking to Taurus. 

''Gemini, can we um talk in our room?'' Aqua asked, tilting her head towards her room, as she waited outside the door. Gemini nodded, giving Virgo a smile as Virgo looked at them, suspiciously. 

~Time skip to the kitchen~

''NO I WANT TO ADD THE CHEESE- GIMME THAT!!!'' Saggi yelled at Aries as she ran across the kitchen, spilling shreds of cheese all over the floor. 

''Guys- Guys no please the mac and chee- LIBRA PUT THE FUCKING SPICES BACK IN THE FRIDGE. WE CAN'T HAVE IT TOO SPICY!- LEO, THE MAC AND CHEESE IS BURNING I TOLD YOU WATCH OVER IT!!'' I screamed, and gave a frustrated sigh. I finally grabbed the biggest pot I could find and took a spoon. I hit the pot the spoon, trying to grab everyone's attention with the sound, and everyone looked at me. 

''Out.'' I said, motioning at the door. Everyone filed out in a line and I pulled back Taurus from the line. ''Help me.'' I whispered, motioning at the burnt mac and cheese. 

~Time skip to 7am next morning~

''Please guys PLEASEEEE?'' Libra pleaded, making ouppy eyes.

''No. My legs hurt from walking that much.'' Aries complained. 

''Honestly, you all should probably go. And um yeah. Cancer and I will be staying at home though because we have work...'' Virgo said, pointing a pencil at the girls and then at Cancer. 

''We do?'' Cancer asked, ''I don't remember you saying anything like tha-'' 

''SHUSH!'' Virgo whispered, rather loudly. 

Libra beamed at Virgo. ''He's actually smart after all. Anyways, let's vote if we want to go or not. And the boys get to vote too.'' Libra raised her hand. 

''Can I buy anything I want..?'' Aqua asked. Libra nodded and Aqua raised her hand too. 

Leo raised his hand. So Saggi, Gemini (a little reluctantly), Taurus and Pisces. I  grinned and raised my hand too. 

Scorpio and Aries looked at each other. ''Ughhh... FINE!'' Aries groaned, raising her hand. Libra looked at Scorpio. 

''Don't kill me but yeah we're all going except Virgo and Cancer.'' 

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