The other three nodded thoughtfully. Arthit placed a hand on Sunny's shoulder, "Whatever makes you happy. Just make sure if he fucks up, let him really know."

"Yes, Arthit. Wow, y'all really know a thing or two about relationships. Now that I've shared mine, would anyone like to follow?" Sunny raised an eyebrow at Arthit, suggesting. The other squeezed his shoulder and Sunny slightly yelped, "Hey!"

Arthit sighed heavily, "Well, as if this day couldn't get any weirder, what could I lose? I met my partner when he was a freshman and I was the head hazer. Long story short, we ended updating, and even after almost breaking up before he went abroad, we stayed together and he's now back and we live together."

Watee, the youngest of them all, still in college, perked up when he heard him, "Really? We never went through hazing, mainly because I was in architecture."

"Who knew Watee was actually chatty?" Sunny chuckled as Watee scowled at him.

"Um, yeah. I thought I was actually being scary for them but I guess my partner found it cute every time," Arthit scoffed, "Oh, he's probably gonna hate me for this, but let me tell you he literally sat in the sea once when I told him to cool his head when we were having a hazing trip at the beach."

"Must be some guy," Watee couldn't help but snort. Wayu even bit his lip to stop laughing. Sunny giggled, "He sounds like an honest man."

"He is. Sometimes too honest. Makes it a habit to get me flustered, yeah he's a real piece of work," even with snarky words, Arthit let out a soft smile of his own.

Krist grinned, "That's actually really adorable. He's smitten, I bet. Kind of reminds me of my own partner."

"Oh? You were a hazer too?"

"Technically, yes, I was. But I fell for him when he was the head hazer. I was a year below him and we became good friends, until one day we were cast to act in a series and the rest was history."

"We're gonna need more details than that," Wayu said. It was actually quite odd for this professional-looking man to be so invested in their stories, Krist found it both amusing and thoughtful, "Um, well. I confessed my feelings for him after one concert and he felt the same. We've been secretly dating ever since."

"Oh, so you must be famous then?" Sunny asked, intrigued.

Krist laughed sheepishly, "Yeah, I guess."

"It must be hard keeping your relationship a secret," Wayu added, his eyebrows creasing a little as he thought about it and how it related to his past.

"Right?!" Arthit and Krist said at the same time, laughing after realization. Truthfully, it's odd how they have something in common between each of them.

Watee sunk in his seat, now visibly distressed because he knew that Sunny's piercing gaze would prompt him to be the next one to spill his life story with his own romance.

Sunny cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone, "I'm actually curious about your own story, Watee. You look like the youngest among all of us and no offense, but you seem kinda... reserved."

"You remind me of how I was when I was a hazer," Arthit said, noticing how Watee was acting reserved and quite frankly, grumpy.

"Well, um, I think that's only how I appear? My partner told me he finds me as one of the happiest people on Earth," the man in question stated, pulling at his sleeve. Krist smirked, already knowing this, "He must be pretty biased to you. Or maybe you're just like that with him. We won't judge."

"Love can be blind," Wayu quipped. Oh, how that statement accurately depicts his own story, if only they knew.

Watee flushed a bright red, "As much as I'd like to keep to myself, I'll feel bad if I don't say anything. Uh, my partner and I were childhood friends."

Five of me? (A Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now