Five of me?

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It all started with a poster.

Krist and Singto stumbled upon this in the GMM building. Specifically, this stated:

Krist Perawat and Singto Prachaya
Please proceed to Conference Room 2098 and 2088 respectively. Please do so as soon as you stumble upon this message. Thank you.

— Management

It was actually extremely shady if you were to ask Krist, and it seemed that Singto felt the same. The poster was not actually just a paper printed with text on it, but it was decorated with vibrant colors paired with rainbows and smiley faces. In retrospect, it looked like it came out of a Kindergarten. The font was hideous.

Singto nudged him on the side, "Should we go?"

"I mean, I guess. It's weird though. What if we get kidnapped or something?" Krist raised his arms and the other rolled his eyes at him, swatting them down, "No we're not. Besides, there are guards near the conference rooms, it'll be alright. But I do agree that it is a little weird."

They looked around the floor and everyone was doing their work, nothing out of the ordinary. With that, Krist pressed the button to open the elevator. Soon, they walked in and arrived at the conference floor. This floor was solely dedicated to meetings and private matters, hence why it was usually very quiet with soundproof rooms. They saw the guards already by their assigned rooms and heaved a sigh of relief.

Krist looked over at him, "P'Sing if I get kidnapped, I just want to let you know that I love you."

"Oh shut up, Kit. Stop milking it, nothing bad will happen. I love you too, now go."

"Okay, here I go," Krist dramatically inhaled and exhaled, "Stay safe, Singtuan."

The man in particular already went into the room, and he was left in the hallway with the two guards, staring at him, "Do you mind if you could tell me why are we called into the conference room?"

The guard simply shook his head. Krist shrugged, oh well. Life is short, I guess.

When he entered the room, he was surprised to see five chairs arranged in a circle with four men already sitting in them. Four men who looked kind of similar to each other but he could have sworn every one of them was different. Quadruplets, maybe? His mind was too busy comprehending the fact that this oddly looked like a horrifying scene to an average person.

"Before I sit down," Krist looked at them all, and they were all surprisingly silent, "I have to ask, are there cameras in here?"

"We don't actually know," one of them replied. He was wearing a pink cardigan, his face looking impeccably gorgeous and his skin was like porcelain glass. Wow, this guy must be a model.

"Okay this is weird," Krist slowly sat down on the empty chair, starting to take in all of them. If Singto were in the same situation, this is actually insane. Krist decided that he would tread this lightly. It's not every day he gets to be in an oddly dark room sitting on stools forming a circle with four other attractive guys.

Krist noticed the guy beside him looked like he was a businessman, dare-he-say CEO. Wearing a grey suit, his hair was gelled to perfection. Why do all the people inside this room have to be so perfect in their styles? He wanted to sink into a hole on the ground.

"So, does anyone have a clue on what are we supposed to do here?" Another one started to speak, he was wearing a light blue polo, dressed in slacks. His tone was both professional but he could sense a hint of absurdity. The man beside him was grimacing, dressed in a white polo, a little similar to the one who previously asked the question.

Five of me? (A Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now