The guy in the pink cardigan smiled brightly, "I don't think any one of us knows. But seeing as we're all here now, just so we could address ourselves, I'm Sunny. What are your names?"

"I'm Krist," he waved slightly. Watching as Sunny's mouth formed into a bigger smile.

"My name is Arthit," the man in blue polo gave a curt nod, Krist could already tell he was a little out of his element.

"I'm Watee," beside Arthit, the man in white gave the others a nod as well. His tone was more clipped if anything. Sunny's eyes landed on the person beside Krist, "And what about you... sir?"

"Oh, you don't need to address me so formally. My name is Wayu," immediately, he relaxed, showing off a nice grin to everyone. Somehow, all of them were a little starstruck by the man, mainly because he exudes such a light aura even though his attire screams power.

"Hello, guys. You may leave this room after two hours," the guard from outside slipped in, making all of the others look at him simultaneously. How peculiar this situation is. Krist turned his head back to look at all of them, and, "Now what?"

"We weren't given any instructions on what to do," Arthit said. He looked over to his left and saw Sunny practically bubbling, "We might as well make the most of it!"

"What do you suggest?" Krist asked, noting how Watee paled a little in his seat.

"Well, we could get to know each other. It's not every day you meet a bunch of strangers in a room."

"I was merely told to go here for a meeting, my assistant must have known something," Wayu added, and Arthit nodded at him, "One of my supervisors asked me to check this location."

"Odd, I saw a poster about a songwriting workshop. Why do you get the normal ones?" Sunny pouted, feeling a little dumb for being too gullible about the poster, "How about you, Watee?"

"I was actually just going to accompany my partner to this location, his friend told him to go here and the guard told me to go into this conference room."

"My partner and I were also told to go here," Krist tilted his head. This was probably one of the most confusing things he has ever experienced.

Sunny sighed beside him, "My semi-boyfriend told me he had somewhere to go today. Sucks that I don't have him here with me."

Arthit furrowed his eyebrows, a little startled, "If it's not too personal, can you clarify, did you actually say semi-boyfriend?"

"This is so weird that I am about to spill my life to a bunch of random people but let me live. Yes, we are in a gray area right now. Tl;dr, he technically used me as a replacement for his dead ex."

Krist could see Watee choke on his spit. Wayu cleared his throat, rapidly blinking, "I"m sorry, what?"

Krist has seen these kinds of things in movies but who would have thought some people could have the audacity to actually do them. Sunny tried to do some damage control, "Okay, everyone, chill. It's not as bad as you think. He's a really nice man, and he realized that his feelings for me were real and not because of some resemblance. I would have loved to meet his ex though, we really looked alike."

"I don't know, he kind of sounds like an ass," Arthit crossed his arms over his chest, frowning. Sunny shook his head, "I promise, we talked it out, and it was like a year ago. But this made me really hesitant to actually date him, I mean, I was head-over-heels for the guy at first."

"Oh trust me. I know the feeling," Krist couldn't help but add, rolling his eyes, "Your semi-boyfriend is hopefully redeeming himself, but I hope you slapped some sense into him because if I were in your shoes, I would actually punch him. Or throw a string of curses, your pick."

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