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You Pov

It was around 2:40 pm, time here was going by fast. Glam had listened to my story, and he was very understanding about the situation. He had went somewhere in the house and he said it'll be fine if I wanted to room around, just as long as I didn't break or steal anything.

I was looking at some of the posters hanged on the wall, some of them had signatures on them. I   had never really listened to rock, its not that I hate it, its just a genre I wouldn't preferable listen too. But I recognized some bands, I looked away and walked up the stairs. I made it to the top and saw a few other doors, I should knock before entering. 

I knocked on the first door, no response, I gently opened it and it looked like a closet full of supplies, like cleaning supplies, blankets, and backpacks/duffle bags. I gently closed the door, and made my way to the next door, knocking I waited for a response. No response, opening the door I looked inside to see a bedroom. It looked somewhat clean, a console and a pc set up on a desk and it had some food and wrappers on top. 

I took a few steps in and noticed a few posters of game characters and bands. I noticed some action figures and a mirror placed on top of a cabinet, and next to it was another smaller desk, it had some books and notebooks. 

I walked out and gently closed the door, I made my way to the next door. I knocked and there was no response, I gently opened it, but before I could get a view of what was inside someone broke the silence. 

"Dazhe ne dumay zaglyanunt' vnutr' (Don't even think about looking inside)." I quickly shut the door and turned around, it was a teenage boy, around my age. He was around the same height as me, had blonde hair like Glam but was kept in a low pony tail. He also had freckles and makeup on, it complimented his blue eyes. He sighed and made his way inside and shut the door on my face, rude I thought to myself. 

I walked downstairs and saw another boy, he was sitting in the kitchen table eating a snack. He is a redhead with long, messy, hair. He looked like Victoria, minus the freckles and he looked to be about 13 to 14 years. He was talking in Russian to Victoria, it was confusing me, Vicky turned and noticed me which made the boy look at me. 

It was silent for a moment until he jumped up and went to talk to me, "Ey, ty, dolzhno byt', ta devushka, o kotoroy upominala mama, ya tyazhelyy, kak tebya zovut? (Hey you must be the girl mom mentioned, Im heavy what's your name?)" I was vey confused, but I shook his hand and gave him a small smile. 

Vicky noticed me confused and said something to him in Russian, he nodded and looked back to me, "Erm.. Nice.." He was trying so hard to speak English, I stopped him. He took out his phone and used a translator like Anna, he typed something and he handed me his phone. 

'Hey you must be the girl mom mentioned, I'm heavy what's your name?' I smiled and typed 'My name is (Y/n), nice to met you' handing his phone back he read it and typed something back, and he handed me his phone. ' Same here, do you wanna play video games?' 

I read it and nodded my head yes, he said something to his mom and pulled me up the stairs. We went back to the bedroom I had entered in, he was moving things around, I never had any siblings and with heavy's beaming positivity it made it seem like he was my younger brother wanting to spend time with his older sister, so cute I thought.

He finally got the game on and ready, he pated on a chair and I went and sat down, he grabbed another chair and we played. It was a bit difficult since it wasn't easy for me to understand, but heavy was pretty patient with me. As we continued playing we actually ended up winning the round, he was happy and held out his hand for a high five. I giggled and high fives him, he started ranting to me and hitting the air, I think he was just talking about how our avatars fought off the bad guys. 

I smiled at him and he walked over to the console and was about to put the next round, but someone knocked on the door. Heavy yelled something and Glam opened the door, "Ah (Y/n)! There you are, and I see you met my youngest son, Heavy." He said smiling, I put the remote down, "Yeah, your son is very nice, it sucks that I can't really understand him." 

Glam walked over and said something to Heavy, he nodded in agreement and typed something on his phone. He handed it over to me, it read ' I hope that while you're staying her, we can learn each others languages. I know we are gonna be great friends!' I smiled and typed 'Thank you for that.' 

Glam looked over to me, "(Y/n) have you met my oldest?" Oh yeah, blondie, he was a bit cold. "Sort of.." Glam gestured for me to follow him, I got up and walked out with him. We walked over to his room, Glam knocked and he said something in response. He opened the door and I saw him sitting on his bed, it looked like he was reading. Glam started talking to him, the boy looked over to me and sighed, " name is Dee." I looked at Glam, "Dee is bilingual, he also knows spanish and latin." 

I turned to him and took out my hand, "My name is (Y/n)..." Dee stared at my hand and eventually shook my hand. Glam hummed, "Now that's over, please get comfortable with each other." He turned and walked out the room closing the door behind him, it became a bit awkward. Dee went back to reading, and I looked around his room. Some posters of bands, a computer set up infant of him, a widow big enough for someone to leave, and shelves full of books. His room was way more neater and clean than heavy's room, Dee sighed and said, "Satisfied?" I looked to him, realizing he meant that I was able to look around his room, "Oh well, I guess. Glam did say I could room around." 

He rolled his eyes, "I don't know how long you'll be staying, hopefully not too long, I do not allow anyone in my room when I'm not here, got it?"  I nodded my head, and walked over to the door, " Read you loud and clear, Dee." I walked out of his room, and made my way downstairs, I saw Vicky holding a helmet and she walked to the door grabbing some keys off of their badass key holder. She yelled something and walked out, I made my way to the living room and saw Glam dusting out some of the decor. 

"Um Glam?" He turned over to face me, "Um.. thank you again for letting me stay.. I know you said I don't have to pay you, but I feel obligated to do so." He shook his head, "(Y/n), you are only 15 years old in an uncharted place. If my sons where to be in your shoes, I would hope they would stay with people who have no intensions of harming them."  He placed his hand on my shoulder, I gave him a small smile. "If you say so.." 

But what Glam and I didn't notice was a certain angsty teen overhearing my conversation with glam. 

Hey guysss, I finished this chapter! Finally, so before I make chapter 5, do you guys want anything in particular to happen between dee and (y/n)? Maybe like Dee being cold to her but he warms up to her, or he's protective of (y/n)? Whatever it might be, just send me a message or write it out in the comments! Also I saw the English dub of season 2 episode 2 and omg- so much second hand embarrassment for Dee-

Lost (Dee x Reader Insert)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz