Planting and targeting time

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Both me and Farmer walk off back to his fields, as we arrive there I look around the area while Farmer got a few things and equipment for planting.

"Y/n" Farmer spoke up, I look at him. "Think fast" He says as he threw a pack of seeds at me, luckily for me I caught it just in time, I snicker and smile as I look back at Farmer "nice shot" "thanks" i reply.

"Alright, let's start off with something simple. Hmm, oh, let's go start over there" Farmer says, I nod as I follow him towards somewhere in the fields.

"Alrighty, like i said we're gonna start off with something simple. First, dig up a little hole here" he point at the dirt, I crouch down and dig one up. "Okay, so how many seeds am i supposed to put in this hole now?" I ask Farmer as I looked up at him.

"It's your choice, can either be 1 or more, but don't add too much" I nod and continue to grab the pack of seeds that Farmer just gave me, I open them up and put four seeds in the hole.

Farmer looks at the hole and goes beside me and continues to crouch down.
"Right, you also gotta separate the seeds from one another, otherwise the roots will end up getting tangled. So first you gotta do this" Farmer spoke up, he grabbed both of my hands from the back and continued moving them around as he used my hands to separate the seeds.

"That should do it" He says, letting go of my hands.

"Don't forget to cover up the hole with some soil, after that you should pat the dirt" Farmer added, I proceed to cover up the hole and pat the dirt above it like Farmer said.

I look at Farmer, he smiled and gave me a thumbs up, I smile back. He stood up and gestured me to follow him, I stand up and he continues to walk away, I follow.

We walked off towards some kind of shed, I assumed he had more gardening and/or planting equipment inside. Farmer opens the door and gets out a watering can, guess I was right. I thought to myself as I shrug.

"Okay I think I know what to do with this, gimme that" I spoke as I took the watering can away from Farmer's grasp.

"Uh, yeah sure. Whatever you say, y/n" Farmer says with a smug face as he folds his arms, I roll my eyes playfully and smile in a simper way.

I look around to spot a water tap, just what I needed. I ran over to the tap and continue to fill water in it as Farmer examines me.

I go back to where I put my seeds in and continue watering it with a smug expression on my face. Farmer walked up to me with the same expression as earlier, he then hums to himself.

"Guess you do know how these kinds of things work, huh?" He asked as he raised a brow
"Well duh, it's simple. Someone in my- uh..village taught me how to do these kinds of things" I reply.

"Well then why'd you need my help from the start?" He asks again.
"Well i- um...well I don't know! I wasn't listening to everything she was telling me" I look away and cross my arms.

Farmer formed a confused expression on his face and looked at me. "You have another girl in your village?"

My eyes widen, what if I keep telling them about everyone in smurfy grove? They'd possibly find out more about them, maybe even their own weaknesses..I can't let that happen. I thought to myself.

"Uh, yeah duh, I mean your village is almost the same as mine!" I say with an awkward smile as I fidget with my hands.

"So you guys have mushroom huts too?" Farmer asks.

"Uh...yes?" I reply, my response came out more as a question more than a answer, but i still answered him anyways.

Farmer hums to himself "that sounds mighty fine i suppose" he smiled, I smile back, a little awkwardly.

a little helper could be nice for a change | Farmer Smurf and reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now