part thirty-one.

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"You like me too much."

"I don't think that's possible."

"Please. You adore me. You know, I should start posting pictures of you."

"You should. I'd like it."

They had been chatting through Instagram comments while sitting right next to each other. Melanie did, maybe, agree with the statement. Not too much — you can never like your boyfriend too much — but a lot. She liked him a lot. She kept it to herself, in fear it might be too soon, but she was quite sure she loved him. Or at least could. Maybe she was overestimating. Just a little.

"You know, I'm so glad they finally revealed you're in the movie," she pointed out. "I wasn't even sure they were going to do that. Was afraid I'd have to wait til the movie came out."

Sebastian smiled. "I'm glad you enjoy posting pictures of me on a wire."

"There's one of you smiling," she said, scrolling down on her page and showing her phone to him.

"I wasn't even ready for that picture!" he laughed. Mel began laughing too. So hard she leaned forward onto his chest. Once it had calmed down, she stayed there.

"Are you doing anything tonight?"

"Uh, I think my agent's going to call me," he said, after a second of thought. "Nothing after that."

"We could do something fun," she offered.

"You could cut my hair."

"Cut your hair?"

"Shooting's over," Sebastian shrugged. "And if I trust anyone to cut my hair it's going to be my girlfriend. Who also just happens to be my hairstylist."

"Sure, I'll do it. Don't know why you can't just go to the salon."

"I like it when you do it," he said.

Melanie smiled and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Hey, speaking of — do you want to come to the premiere with me?"

"Speaking of? That had nothing to do with cutting hair."

"Oh, come on, I was just using it as a segue," he joked. "So?"

"Of course," she said. "I'd love to come with you."

"As a date, right? Not just.. as your ride?"

"No, Sebastian, I only see you as my driver," she said sarcastically. "Yes, as your date. You're adorable."

"Just double checking," he smiled.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I actually have to look through my camera roll for a specific photo," she said, opening the app and scrolling through a folder of on-set photos.

"Hey!" said Sebastian. He tried to grab the phone, but Mel stood up and backed away toward the bed. She held it up high, laughing, even if she did know her six-foot boyfriend wasn't a match for that. He knocked her onto the bed. They were both laughing. He kissed her passionately as to distract her from their game, but she dropped the phone on the floor instead and turned over so that she was on top. She held his cheeks and kissed him, and Sebastian's foot "slipped" and hit the switch, turning off the lights.

— —

"You look so cute."

"Do I?"

"You do! You know, I've never known you with short hair. I've seen pictures, though."

"Looks better in person, huh?"

"It always does," she smiled.

She had finally finished cutting his hair. Hotel bathrooms weren't always an ideal place to do a thing like that, but Mel made it work anyway. He was good-looking.

"So, what are you going to wear?"

"Wear? Wear to what?"

"The premiere?"

"Isn't that months away?"

"Well, yes. But might as well, right? I was thinking a black suit. Matches with Winter's personality."

"And his eye makeup," she said. "I hope they have some of those scenes in there. The makeup that day took hours."

Sebastian laughed.

"I'll wear something nice," she said. "I don't have anything at all planned, though. Anything I had I already wore."

"You can wear it again, can't you?"

"Not in public," she replied. "Who knows if the paparazzi got any photos."

"That's true. Has there been any articles lately?"

"No," she shrugged. "Apparently we haven't been very interesting lately."

"Not to them," he smirked.

Melanie got his gist. It had been a fun night.


wow okay me I literally banged this out in 20 mins look at me go

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