I Love You(Chap.5)

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A/N: I was going to make this two parts but then I decided to add everything in the next chapter. I'm posting the next chapter in a few hours so be on the lookout(A/N at the bottom). Thank you for reading and enjoy!


Your POV:

I woke up with red and puffy eyes. I cried myself to sleep the past two nights. I decided not to go to school yesterday. I didn't check my phone after I got home. Takemichi had left me 100+ text messages. I got up like I always do and took a shower. I thought it would make my eyes less puffy. It did. I put on a change of clothes and grabbed my bag. I decided to leave a little later than normal because I didn't want to run into Takemichi or Mr. Ryuguji. Class started at 7:30am so I left at that time. I didn't have a perfect attendance that I was trying to keep up anyways. I read a little bit of manga then I got up to leave. My walk to school was lonely and quiet. I couldn't ask for more. I arrived at school and walked into my class.

~Time Skip~
The lunch bell rang and all the kids got let out. I couldn't avoid Takemichi anymore. He was in almost all my classes. He didn't know that I was late to school this morning because we have different classes in the morning.

We ate our lunch in the hallway like we always did together. We didn't take that long so we started walking around the school. We walked by the teachers lounge. Takemichi told me that he needed to go to the bathroom. Once he left me alone I continued going on my walk. The door to the teachers lounge was open. I heard voices inside. I didn't want to intrude on there conversation but I couldn't help but listen.

"So why did you want to see me?" I heard a familiar voice say.

It was Mr.Ryuguji!

I peeked inside the room and there he was. He was wearing a leather jacket with a plain white tee and black ripped jeans. He seemed to wear that a lot. Why do I care about that stupid teacher anyways? Hmph.

There was a girl standing next to him. Her name was..


She's a girl in my classes. She used to date Takemichi before he came out as gay. They were a cute couple in middle school but that time has long since passed. What was she doing with Mr. Ryuguji? Ugh why do I care! I told myself that but I still couldn't help but listen.

"U-Um I wanted to give you something." Hina took a pink bag with a big white bow out from behind her back. She held it out in front of Mr.Ryuguji and hid her face behind the bag. A note hung at the front of the bag. What was she giving him?

"I-If you could, um, please read the letter first." Mr.Ryuguji took the bag and read the letter. I wondered what was in that letter. He gave her a small chuckle. His face told me that it was something ridiculous that she was trying to say to him.

"Sorry, sorry! But I can't return your feelings." I froze. Hina gave him a love letter. She was in my art class. WHY ARE YOU CONFESSING TO MY MAN BITCH?!? Calm down Y/N he's not yours anymore and never was.

"U-um o-okay can you *sniff* at least have the chocolate? I *sniff* spent all night making it." She was tearing up. I couldn't blame her. I got my heart broken by him the day before. I felt her pain. Mr. Ryuguji smiled and placed his hand on her head.

"Fine but I'm going to eat them all right now." He began taking out the chocolate and started eating it.

"Um Mr. Ryuguji?"

"Yeah." He had his mouth stuffed with chocolate. I guess he really likes sweet things. I should make him some sweets.

"Why couldn't you accept my feeling?" Are you committing suicide Hina? Why do you want your heart to break more. Mr. Ryuguji smiled.

"I'm just seeing someone else at the moment." My heart sank even deeper. So that was the real reason. He's seeing someone else. I guess I never considered the possibility that he already had a girlfriend. Hina started crying even more and ran out. I also felt like crying. It felt like my heart got broken again. She ran passed me and didn't notice I was there. My eyes didn't leave Mr.Ryuguji. I watched him walk over to the trash can and spit out all the chocolate he crammed in his mouth.

"That tasted like shit." I guess she was really bad at cooking if he spit them out. He started walking towards the door. Shit! I put my back against the wall and prayed that he didn't see me. He walked out of the teachers lounge and walked pasted me. I peeled myself off of the wall and started to sneak away.

"You got a lot of balls spying on me." A shiver got sent down my spine. I was frozen. I had realized that I got caught. I turned around slowly and I saw Mr. Ryuguji staring right back at me.

"Oh haha I wasn't spying on you I was uhh going to ask you to help me with the project yeah." That was a lie.

"Oh really now." He smirked at me. He leaned down close to my face. He used a file he took out of the lounge to cover our faces. That's when something magical happened.

~Time Skip~
The bell rang at the start of my last period. After this afternoon incident I didn't know if I wanted to go to art. I did anyways. Takemichi and I walked together on our way to class.

"You still haven't told me why you didn't go to school yesterday."

"I wasn't feeling good."

"Okay that a lie because even when your sick you go to school." Damn my persistence!

"I was crying...."

"All day?!?!"

"Mr. Ryuguji and I walked home together and...... he rejected me."

"You confessed to him?!?!"

"NO! I didn't he just.... could tell I liked him." I wasn't telling him what happened this afternoon.

"I'm sorry man...." We got to the art classroom and parted ways. I went to my desk and sat down. As always, once the bell rang, out came Mr. Ryuguji from the back room. He was covered in sweat. You could see his abs through his white tee shirt. He caught me looking at his abs like I always do. He winked at me. SIR! I need one art class where I'm not horny.

"Good afternoon class. I hope your almost done with your project. I'm very excited to see what you come up with." He stopped speaking and gave us the freedom to do what we wanted. Me being me I wanted to sleep, but Mr. Ryuguji had.. other plans. He sat on my desk. Again. This time he rested his feet of either side of my hips supported by my chair. Um sir? I don't know if you've notice but even though you broke my heart you still make me REALLY hard.

"Oh you can go to sleep if you want. Just remember what happened during lunch today." He smirked and got off of my desk. Thank god!

I rested my head on the desk and tried to fall asleep. But I couldn't. I kept thinking inappropriate thoughts about Mr. Ryuguji.

-Small Time Skip-
The bell rang and everyone got up to leave. I didn't sleep at all. I kept thinking about that stupid teacher. I got up to leave and grabbed my stuff. I started walking out the door.



"See you Saturday~"

"It's a date."

A/N: Its four hours after I posted this chapter and I decided that I was going to make a long chapter(kinda like this one) tomorrow and not post another chapter today. I kinda need a break tonight. Forgive me. But I wrote a sonnet of english class about my gf and I just got word that she likes it so i'm happy. AND I might hang out with one of my friends tomorrow and they give me a bunch of ideas for this story and future stories. Have fun reading guys! 

A/N: GUys different gf. The gf I wrote the sonnet for broke up with me. Now I'm dating my wifey lolz. Besides I don't think anyone else would be interested. 

A Dragon's Silhouette  Professor!Draken x Male!Student!ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora