Chapter 09: Emergency

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Jason's POV

We were trying to see how Dick was choking and drowning when there was no water.

"Get him to the medical Bay!" Black Canary yelled under the coughing and slight rushing. I nodded and picked him up bridal style, Dick slightly tensed up but we rushed him to the medical bay. Down a metal hallway and we turned right then we made it. I placed him on a gurney and Dicks coughing fit had died down buy there was an occasional cough with a water and blood mixture here and there.

"Get me an air mask!" Canary demanded and Tim handed her one, she placed it over his mouth and his breath fogged the plastic over his mouth and Canary was confused.

"How was he coughing up blood with the water, he wasn't ble-" she cut herself off, by her own curiosity and theory. She was lifting up his jacket revealing a large cut from his left chest to his lower right abdomen. She put her hand over her mouth at shock.

"Why did they do to you Dick...?" I muttered under my breath and Canary put her hand over Richard's temple.

"He's really warm, may be a fever." she replied back and I nodded at her doctor work.

"We'll just have to wait it out from here." she replied and Damian approached, his face was a written and the definition of a puzzle.

"We're going to tell Bruce about the recent.... events." Damian said and I nodded, he should take Tim with him.

"Take Tim too" I said and he nodded while he and Tim exchanged a few words in the corner away from hearing and they left. It was just me Canary and my baby bro, she looked at him and lifted up his entire jacket to reveal far more scars then he had with Bruce and the bats.

"I'm going to stitch him up." she replied and I nodded and watched her get the stitching kit, she heated the tip of the stitch and started stitching. Over and under the skin went a lot of times from the massive cut he got. I sat there and looked at his scars he had developed I mean Bullet, knife, whip, arrows all kinds of scars. Then she finally stopped her stitching and tied it off the stitch, she grabbed the gauze and started wrapping around his body which was difficult with him being unconscious and all.

"What happened to him those 6 years Jason?" she asked me and I looked down at him. I wanted to know what happened so I can kick their Talon butts.

"I don't know Dinah." I replied and I saw his hands grip the sheet. "I don't know." I muttered as his hands gripped the sheet tighter. He's gonna have a nightmare, beads of sweat dripped from his forehead and I started to worry.

"" he muttered in his sleep and Canary got worried.

"We can't wake him up, he went unconscious." she replied and our shoulders tensed, we were watching out for our little bird who wasn't so little anymore. Then Dickie started moving his head slightly from its former place.

"Don't do this" he muttered again and he started screaming in pain.

"Stop!" he kept repeating and tears were threatening to come down his face.

"Dickie wake up!" I yelled and shook him. He wasn't responding, but then he shot up. His hands gripped my lower triceps and I looked into his teary blue eyes. They held so much pain and suffering in them. Then he broke down in my arms, he sobs were heavy and breathing was shaky, his arms were stiff in their place. I pulled him into a hug; he gladly returned and sobbed into my chest. His sobbing calmed down once I hugged him, affection deprived. I ran my fingers through his lose hair as he cried, trying to calm him down.

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