
Start from the beginning

Namur was instantly accepted, possibly because he was a fishman and Ace related to him more.

Izou... Izou was kind of funny. Just like Namur, Izou was accepted very quickly and the mer always seemed happy to see him. They had found it weird, but accepted it that the merman just randomly accepted their sharpshooter. Now however, Namur had suddenly come up with a theory he was fairly sure of was correct. Not only because of how the treatment from Ace to Namur and Ace to Izou was the same, but also because, once again, just like when Namur entered, Ace made his clicking sound when Izou did. Namur's theory was that Ace thought that Izou was a fishman, just like Namur.

All the commanders had looked at Namur like he was crazy, Izou was obviously human... Until Namur started explaining and... well..... it could, somehow, make sense. He had explained how Izou always wore brightly coloured kimono's with very wide sleeves, and in addition wore very obvious makeup like red lipstick and stuff. This combined could make Izou look like a betta fish, especially if one hasn't seen real beta-fish-fishman in person. His bright colourful kimono-sleeved representing the big elegant wide fins of the fish. Patterns aren't unknown off in the fish, so it wouldn't matter if it was a patterned kimono or not. And while maybe the colour changes in Izou's wardrobe should hint that the sleeves are in fact not fins of some kind, colour changing fish exist too so.... well.... with this reasoning it could be understood how Ace may think Izou is a fishman. While weird, Izou was happy he was a pretty fish.

Namur – Physiotherapy ...... Swimming

Namur silently entered the infirmary, one must not make too much noise or Bay will woop your ass and give a speech about the importance of rest and peace for patient and bla bla bla.
Looking around he saw Bay moving things on some shelfs not far away.

"Hey Bay, I'm here to take Ace for some swimming."


Bay snorted at the excited clicking coming from behind some curtains not far away. "Morning Namur, it seems someone is excited for your visit."

"Haha, I hear it and well it will be the first time he gets to swim, for reals, not just in a Kiddie pool or pop's bathtub. Anything I need to know before I go?"

Humming Bay took a notepad from her pocket, scanning trough it for a moment before putting it away again. "Nothing you don't know yet. Hearing his excitement though, you better be ready to prevent him from doing jumping tricks or whatever. His wounds are healing nicely and we wouldn't want them to open up again. So, keep it at swimming, normal swimming."

"Of co-"


Bay laughed behind her fist, "Someone's calling for you. Better not keep him waiting, be back by around lunch so he can eat and take his medicine at the right time."

"Right, see you in a bit then." Namur gave a small wave and made his way over to Ace's 'chamber', it was just a space closed off with a thin curtain, it wasn't much, but it was some sort of privacy.

He barely had his head through the curtains when he was bombarded with more excited clicking.
"Hello Ace, I see you're doing well today." Looking towards the mer, he was rewarded with a big grin full of very sharp teeth.

The sight made Namur smile, he knows his own brothers don't care that he is a fishman and treat him as an equal, but it's still nice to have another of his kind... kind of his kind, onboard. Stuff like the amount of ultra-sharp teeth visible was something he didn't see often and even after years, when he smiled, it still scared some members when they didn't expect it. They didn't mean anything wrong, but still... this was nice.

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