7. Welcome to Dauntless

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Oops a lot of P.O.V. changes, my bad. Sorry for late update too, I've been so busy with school and assinments but here's a new chapter for ya'll.


Thomas P.O.V. 

Thomas was falling and he could feel the wind piercing at his skin, and his clothes flapping in the air hitting him every so often. It was a nice calming rush but at the same time sent a huge rush adrenaline through him. He liked this feeling, he felt like he was free, he could fly but before he knew it he hit a net down below bouncing up and down on it. The sudden hit knocking the breathe out of him. As scary and terrifying as at was Thomas liked that rush, that rush of excitement and terror; like what he felt when going up against the grievers. Thomas laid there for a while catching his breath and staring upwards. The building surrounding the holes like thy were guarding it. He tried to stand up, but his legs were still unstable so instead he rolled to the edge. “Hey Thomas”, a deep voice greeted him. He turned his head towards the source and saw that it was Four.

“So that’s why you couldn’t get off” Thomas greeted Four, his sentence came out in little puffs, still trying to catch his breath. “You can’t lay there all day Thomas”, Four laughed before extending his arm out to Thomas. Four grabbed his arm and helped him roll off the net, Thomas almost face palming onto the floor. Four didn’t let go of his arm though, instead he pulled it up so his arm was raised.

“First Jumper, Thomas!” he yelled to a group of people that Thomas never noticed before-then from the darkness of the room people started to come into the light all cheering and "whooping". Thomas started to smile, “Welcome to Dauntless”, Four said to him before patting his back and releasing his before raised arm. Just like the glade, Thomas thought. Thomas will never forget that day, waking up to darkness and the noise of metal grinding, he thought he was stuck there forever but soon some light was shed in and he found himsef in a new place with new people. They probably weren't as cheery and excited as the Dauntless were but they made him feel. . .better. Thomas walked over to where the other Dauntless were a lot of them giving him slaps on the back and high fives, the smile still planted onto his face. 

Then Thomas stood watched the others come through, after him was Gally. Teresa came after a few more other Gladers, Minho arrived last, who would’ve guessed. This was all just like the glade except the new arrivals came one after the other not one month apart.  

Minho and Teresa came up to Thomas after searching through the crowd of black leathered bodies, “How was your ride down?” Thomas asked them both, laughing at Minho’s face.

“Amazing, I would do that again”, Teresa said.

“Perfect”, Minho said it was obvious that he was scared, his legs were wobbling and his eyes were big and wide. 

“Initiates, over here! That means all those who just jumped!” Four yelled to everyone. Walking up together, Minho leant on Thomas’ shoulder for support. Teresa and Thomas still laughing at Minho's reaction.

“Welcome to Dauntless all of you and congratulations on jumping and being able to get here." Get here? What does that mean, have people never been able to get this far before?

 "You will all be starting training tomorrow, tonight you will all be assigned a certain leader, some of you will be sharing a leader, these leaders will personally help you and guide you through the tests to become Dauntless. First things first though. . .a tour through the place, so everyone follow me!” Four then waved his hand above him in the direction of a dark hall, the only light; some candles on the side. 

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