Nine - 5 Days To Get To Know Her?!

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Prequel Of 10 Days To Get To Know My Husband?!

Thomas's Point Of View.

"Alright, Dylan I'll talk to you later."  I informed as we both walked away in different directions. I looked at Dylan getting further and further away as I walked slowly towards my car. Not knowing that I just bumped into a lady. About twenty years older than me. "Oh bugger, I'm so sorry miss. It's really my fault, I wasn't looking at where I was going. I'm so so, honestly very sorry miss." I implied, picking up her bag along with the stuff that had fallen out from it.

The woman took a long and hard look as if she was trying to kill me with her telekenetic powers. "Thomas?" She spoke softly looking into my eyes. "Thomas Brodie Sangster? Oh my god, it is you, child." 

It took me about five slow seconds to really recognize this lady before she swoops me, into a hug. It was Mrs Y/L/N, a long, lost friend of mom's. She took care of me when I was about six years old. "Mrs y/l/n, how've you been? Where have you been?" I asked, strands of tears fell as she lets go off me. Boy, is she really glad to see me. 

"I'm good, how's your mom, Tasha?" She requested, wiping her tears away from her cheeks. "Oh, I haven't seen you in 18 years or such and you haven't even change a bit." I giggled at her commentary before answering her question.

"Mum's quite fine, I'm actually having dinner with my family in half an hour." I addressed, rubbing the back of my neck. "Would you like to come and have dinner with us? Suprise my mother while you're at it." I teased, she puts her hands on her mouth than gradually nods. 

"So how's the family?" I asked, turning on the engine of my car. She then shook her head in despair before sighing.

"Not good, Tom. Not good at all." She whimpered. "You see, y/n's getting married next  week and her fiance just broke up with her." She shook her head in disbelief. Wiping the tears of her face.

"What kind of a man is that? I mean one week, She must be devastated, wait who's y/n?" I asked, blondely. Then face-palming my forehead as it was a stupid question. 

Mrs y/l/n gave me a sympathetic smile before replying. "She's my only daughter Thomas. She's the kind of person that when she grabs a hold on things, she will never let go. Including the wedding. She's not cancelling it, I mean she can't marry herself can she-" She paused then gave me a face that was lit up with a lightbulb. "Thomas, marry her." She blurted with no hesitation.

"Wait,what. Um-" I stutter as she gave me a motherly frown that most child can't resist, including me. 

"I know, it's hard and it is your future but at least get to know her before you make any desicions." She reasoned, then smiling to herself. "I never really liked her choices of men, they're all so puny and empty-minded, but I've known you since you were six. I know that you'll grow up to be a gentlemen and responsible men." She compliment, more reasons why I have to marry her. 

"Can we discuss this with my family first." I said as I stopped at our destination, she nods excitedly knowing that my mom would do anything for her long, lost, best friend.

Mom walked out of the door, the moment she heard the car driving in, her jaw fell onto the floor when she saw Mrs Y/L/N. They both squealed as if they're teenagers again. Hugging and kissing each other on the cheeks. "Tasha, we have things to discuss." She said with a straight face. 

She then begins her story with the wedding and y/n's fiance breaking her heart. I sat there, chewing my slice of turkey shifting my eyes between mom and mrs Y/L/N. Looking for some reactions. I mean mom always wanted me to have a life with a lady but I always reject that offer. Maybe it's just fate or something the elderly say.

They then finished with a stare in my directions asking for my opinion. "If it's the right thing to do then yes I'll give it a go." I said knowing not to argue considering that they will team up on bashing me, plus the motherly frown is really hard to resist.

"Looks like I will soon have a sister-in-law in a week. Then in a year I have a little baby niece or maybe nephew." This was coming from Ava, who is now teasing me with her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and she laughed at my actions.

"But give me five days to know her better and possibly a date after that ." I looked at Mrs Y/L/N who is now smirking following with a nod after that.  " Can you inform me where she'll be for the next five days?" I asked, grabbing my glass of water on the table. then drinking it.

Mrs Y/LN showed mom a picture of y/n and she nearly cried. "Oh, that's going to be my daughter-in-law!" She squealed, Ava took a peek at the photo and her face just went bonkers. Suprise at one moment and proud in the other. 

I looked at my sister while she mouthed some words to me. 'You should really look at her'. She then gave the thumbs up following with a nod. "Here Thomas, this is y/n." Mom gave the phone to me to take a glance at my soon to be wife. 

Whoaa, she's going to be my wife? How could a guy break up with her? I mean she's that- that... GORGEOUS.  My mind raced with thought of how beautiful she is that has caused me to be speechless when mom asked something. "She's pretty isn't she and guess what Thomas, thats your wife to be, darl." She stated and Mrs Y/L/N looked very happy when mm said that. 

I was awaken the next day by the sound from my phone bleeping. Some messages was received from Mrs Y/L/N, giving me the information on where y/n will be. Alright this is it Thomas, day one on your mission to stalk your future wife. Well I wouldn't say 'stalk' , I would say five days to get to know her.


Alright TBS lovers, here's one done. Part 2 coming soon guys. Hope you guys love this one and make sure to comment and vote. I appreciate it guys and thanks for your time on reading this. Seriously hope you guys really love this.

Thomas Brodie-Sangter ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now