Chpt 3 An encounter with the devil

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POV: Atsushi Nakajima

BANG. Bang was all Atsushi heard. At that moment I was sure I had died. 'I was shot and killed by one of the most dangerous gangs out there,I hadn't even lasted two days out of the orphanage and I'm dead. ATSUSHI JUST HOW USELESS ARE YOU!?'he thought. He realized he wasn't dead when he heard the people around him gasp in shock. 'I was confused..why did they gasp? Did they miss me?' I quickly turned to see what was happening. It..It was a thread?"Huh?"I said, confused. He didn't miss, in fact he went straight for the heart. I shiver at the thought of almost being killed.

POV: Narrator

Atsushi stared blankly at the thread and people in front of him. 'What just happened' he questioned. The man shot again causing Atsushi to scream in fear. Just then a thread cut through the bullet,gun and the man's arm. A horrified Atsushi didn't know what to do but he had no time to think about that he was about to be gunned down by everyone there.

All of them shot at once,they didn't care how much noise they made, they just wanted this kid dead and they really thought they did but the bullets weren't hitting him..?! They were all being deflected by threads but... HOW THE HELL WAS SOME THREAD DOING THIS?! 'Then Atsushi saw it...The Kumo Akuma gang... was scared? How could they be scared? They hurt so many people and were scared of some scrawny kid from an orphanage.That was the moment Atsushi Nakajima, a boy from nowhere had the urge to kill. But that wasn't what he did. He showed so much restraint when he took these people out. He moved at the speed of light. Not making a sound ,like an assassin in the night.

A tall man with Dark brown hair and Blue eyes tried to stab Atsushi from behind when he was busy beating his leader's face in. That didn't work. The thread strangled him causing him to lose consciousness soon after. A shorter man with red hair tried to push Atsushi off his leader,only to get pulled away into the nearby lake. He was tied up and only thing keeping him from drowning was the fact he wasn't pulled all the way under. It was an ironic thing to him. He was supposed to be "the devil spider" however this kid...he was more of a devil than he was.

POV: Atsushi Nakajima

'These guys really pissed me off' he thought as he was still bashing the now practically unconscious leader's face in. It still hasn't occurred to me just how in the world some threads stopped a bullet. He just kept bashing and bashing when he suddenly felt a familiar presence. This presence was not only terrifying but calming to him. Atsushi stopped what he was doing and turned to see the white tiger that had terrorized the orphanage for so long. It was sitting on some guy with a katana in his hand. The poor guy looked like he wet himself. Who wouldn't after seeing this huge thing roaming around on the streets. 'What?' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked at what happened. 'It didn't attack me...But the guy with a katana..'

I was about to take a big risk but it seemed worth it.I walked closer to the tiger and instead of it attacking laid down and rolled onto its back. I'm quite sure I lost my sense because instead of running away I rubbed the tiger's stomach!!! 'I've gone mad' Atsushi thought. Not only am I in a life or death situation I'm ENJOYING IT'

(His love for cat's got the better of him)

POV: Narrator

Atsushi and his newly found tiger friend played for only minutes before the sound of sirens was heard. 'Crap' Atsushi thought. He quickly used his new found ability to tie up the gang members except the one in the water, Atsushi left him there. Atsushi was about to run with his new found tiger friend but running around with a giant white tiger would definitely draw attention to him. It seem like the tiger understood Atsushi's thoughts because it shrunk drastically in size. The tiger (now the size of your average kitten) jumped onto Atsushi's shoulder and they quickly fled the scene.

POV: Osamu Dazai

"..So that was the only lead on these guys? Kumo Akuma?" Dazai said in a playful tone. "It's just a normal gang, why can't the police handle it themselves? It's taking away from my suicide time!"he groaned. "We're not only here for the gang you dumbass. We need to find that giant ass white tiger that's been scaring the hell out of these people" Kunikida exclaimed annoyed at my pestering. "Oh yeah...forgot about the teleporting furball" I said nonchalantly. That's when we heard it. The sound of Gunshots! 'I looked at Kunikida to see if I was hearing things but he heard it too. 'We quickly ran inside the police station, alerting everyone and headed to the location of the gunshots.

~To Be Continued~

Word Count: 853

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