Chpt 4 Two weeks and two Strangers

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*Authors Note* Heyo Author San 4th chapter coming in hot, just a little heads up. Start the song at around Paragraph 7 for a better effect. That is all, Now on with the story!

POV: Narrator

That was two weeks ago. The ADA captured the entire Kumo Akuma gang and stopped their illegal activities. There was only one tiny very LARGE problem. They had no clue where to find the tiger and the "Demon" it was with. Kunikida and Dazai returned to the agency to report the situation.

~Back At The ADA~

"That was a complete waste of time,'' said Dazai. "All that searching and the work was done for us by some kid,"he continued, annoyed. "I hate to break it to you but, that kid cut off someone's arm and is on the run with a giant white tiger!" Kunikida said even more annoyed."Hey Ranpo, do you think you figure this out for us?" Dazai asked as politely as possible." No can do! Your mission, your responsibility!!"Ranpo said while stuffing his face with snacks.

POV: Atsushi Nakajima

For the past two weeks I've been learning more about this ability of mine. And I learned way more than I thought I would.

Ability:"The threads of fate lie in my hands"

Normal thread-Can cut through anything like a hot knife through butter.I can change the texture however I want.From soft and flexible like a pillow or hard and durable like a weapon.

Spirit thread-Can fix "abilities".It's not able to do any physical damage to a person but is really helpful when your ability gets messed up by something or someone.It can even force an ability to activate.

Soul thread-A thread that looks transparent while being completely purple.It can't be touched and you simply have to dodge regardless of whether or not you can feel the pain from touching it.

I even learned about my regenerative abilities when I was practicing how to use my ability and the weird markings on my body. I learned that I have threads wrapped around my skeleton which was a major shock to me but the weirdest thing was how my arm just re-attached itself to me. The even weirder thing was that after learning how to control my ability part of my arms and legs turned completely black, like I had dipped them in black ink and it won't come off. My only major concern is what would happen if my head were to get cut off. But I'm not really ready to find out.

Around one week ago I named the white tiger. I call him Kaiyō. Ocean after his pretty blue eyes. During my two week journey to find a job...I still haven't found one. I haven't barely eaten anything either. I caught some fish and ate grass but that's about all we've eaten this whole time. I'm really starting to think this was pointless. I have yet to do anything productive and I'm about to die of starvation. Atsushi sighed as he dropped to the ground on the riverbank. "Am I really going to die like this?" I mumbled, very displeased with the current situation. 'Damn,I can't die like this.' Atsushi got up filled with determination 'OK I'M GONNA STEAL EVERYTHING FROM THE NEXT PERSON I SEE!!' I thought to myself. I waited patiently and then there it was my chance to-...Someone on a motorbike..'Okay That was just a test run the real thing starts now!-'he thought, once again filled with determination. I turn to see a group of soldiers. 'Damn it, why can't things go my way for once' I thought,now getting annoyed. Last time let's do this! I wait, then turn to see a person floating down the river. 'HUH?!'I think,confused. ' this person drowning.No no no maybe I'm just looking at things wrong. 'he thinks reassuringly. Then crows fly on the person's feet and legs. 'Okay maybe they are drowning' he thinks as he runs and pulls the person out of the river with his threads.

POV: Osamu Dazai

I awoke to see I was pulled from the river. 'Just who the hell awoke me from my submersion. And that's when I saw it. Some girl with oddly cut hair leaning over me. She looked shocked to see I had opened my eyes. "Hey you, you're awake, that's good for a moment I thought you were gonna die-" she tried to say but I cut her off by cursing under my breath. She looked annoyed for a split second as I rose to my feet. "Were you the one that pulled me from the river, young girl?" I questioned."Yes" she said as she rose to her feet "And I'm a guy"he said politely. "Oh sorry about that"I said. "Your fine, happens all the time" he said." the way..were you trying to-"."Commit Suicide, yes but you interrupted me"I said annoyed."Then again it wasn't your fault, I'm trying to find a way to commit suicide without having caused a disturbance to anyone else.  Since you rescued me that means I caused a disturbance to you-" I said when I was cut off by the sound of a low growling noise."Eh..was that you?" I questioned the younger male in front of me. "Hm? Ah yes I'm quite hungry..eheh"He said slightly blushing from embarrassment. "Is that so! Then my friend will treat you to whatever it is you wan-" I said but was cut off again by the sudden shouting from the other side of the river. It was Kunikida! "You dumbass, what do you think you're doing?!" he yelled. "" there he is, come on let's go kid" I said walking away towards Kunikida"

POV: Narrator

 The trio soon arrives at the restaurant. They get seated and Dazai says something he probably should have said earlier. "I think introductions are in order hehe" he laughed. "You're telling me you took some random kid with us without even telling him your NAME"He yelled, getting the attention of everyone in the building. "It's not my fault, besides he came with us. Shouldn't you be yelling at him?" Dazai asked. "That's right! Kid,why would you go with random people?!"Kunikida yelled at Atsushi. "Huh? Well I haven't eaten properly in two weeks so-"he stated before being cut off by Kunikida. "Food is what persuades you?!"He yelled at the smaller male. It seemed like Dazai was getting a kick out of this argument between the two. "I'm Osamu Dazai'' he said, confusing the other two. It took a few seconds for them to process what just happened and once they did Kunikida calmed right down. "Ah, yes I'm Doppo Kunikida and you kid?"he stated. "Hm? Oh yes I'm Atsushi Nakajima, it's nice to meet you two!"He said with a giant smile on his face.

Dazai and Kunikida looked at each other then back at the smaller male in front of them. "So do you know anything about a giant white tiger?"Kunikida asked bluntly. "You idiot! Poor Atsushi hasn't even ordered any food yet!"He yelled before Atsushi could question them. "What is it you want to eat?"Dazai asked. "If it's not too much trouble I'd like Ochazuke"he said sheepishly. Dazai looked at him for a second and yelled "Okay 30 bowls of Ochazuke!!"

Once everyone's order was taken,  Atsushi thought back to what Kunikida asked him earlier. 'Have you seen a giant white tiger? Huh so they were the one's sent to get Kaiyō(The tiger). That means they're from the ADA'

POV :Atsushi Nakajima

'I knew I should have left this area before. Damn it!' I cursed my stupidity.' "Sho I r yoo Iss ookin or ome tiger?(So why are you guys looking for some tiger)" I asked with a mouthful of food. "It's our job."Kunikida replied to me."Oob?(Job?)"Yes job, we're detectives from the Armed detective agency" he responded. I swallow the food in my mouth and say "WHOA so, you two are superhumans?" Dazai was confused as to how we were even communicating properly. "In short, yes, we are 'superhumans'. We're looking for this oversized white tiger. Apparently it has a teleportation ability. Ah,well teleportation seems to be one of its main abilities"Kunikida responds.

'Hm. So they're only sure of Kaiyō's teleportation ability. That's good.' "Well if the ADA is involved with this wandering magic tiger", then it shouldn't take long for you to find it!" I said, giving my best smile. "Don't get your hopes up kid. "Kunikida said. "Hm?"I hummed in response. "We've been on this case for two weeks and the second case was solved by some kid and threads"he said, sounding annoyed. "A kid?" I asked, trying to sound confused. It seemed to work cause he answered back without making a face. "From what it seems a kid, with an ability related to thread, took them out."

"And by them you mean..?" I questioned "The Kumo Akuma gang kid, keep up"Kunikida said, sounding even more annoyed than before. 'Why is he so annoyed? I haven't done anything...Eh is it Dazai?' "So-" I was cut off by suddenly being grabbed by Dazai and being pulled out of the restaurant with Kunikida following behind. I struggled trying to get out of his grasp but he had his arms wrapped around me. 'For such a thin looking guy he sure as hell has a strong hold on things.'

~To be continued~

Word Count: 1,557

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