Chapter 2: Cardinal Heroes

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???: O Brave heroes! Pls save our world!

???1234: EH!?

Sung: 'Looks like what he said was true, they do need help'

-Scene Shift-

Robe guy: Pls save us!

???1: Seriously?

???2: what do you mean by that?

Robe guy: there is a long and complicated story behind this, but we've summoned you 5 cardinal heroes using an ancient ritual.

Sung: ("Five Cardinal Heroes"? So what that kid said was true)

Robe Hero: Our world is at the Brink of destruction. We beg you O Brave heroes, pls save us!

???1: uhh, i guess i can hear you out-

???3: I refuse.

???2: Likewise.

???4: We can go back to our world, right? We'll talk about your problems after that.

(Note: im also watching the anime while making this since i have utmostly forgotten most of what happened)

???3: Dont you guys feel any guilt at all for bringing us here without our consent?

???2: and if you throw us out as soon as the peace is restored, wont that mean we've worked for nothing?

???4: how willing are you to accommodate us? Depending on your answer we might become your enemies instead.

Sung: (.... such confident kids)

( i researched and sung is 24 years old so he is the eldest of the heroes and the veteran at fighting goddamn beasts)

Robe dude: F-first we'd like you to have an audience with the king of our country, Melromarc. You can negotiate your reward after that, so pls...

Sung: Fine i guess *In japanese*

(we all know sung is korean so i gave him an ability to speak japanese and understand the current reading language of that world :D)

???2: i suppose we could consider their offer.

???4: welp, not like our negotiations would change, no matter who we talk to.

We all then followed the robed people.

???2: we really are in a new world, huh?

???4: yeah.

???1: such a pleasant breeze. Its like a typical sales pitch in all those tour brochures.

???2: wait, you havent travelled out from japan before?

???3: Going by the breeze outside, this place probably has your Mediterranean climate. 

???1: uhh. yeah yeah, excuse me for my lack of knowledge and vocabulary.

Sung: though i havent went to japan before, im not really from there. *say's in japanese*

???1234: you kidding? then how are you speaking in japanese?

Sung: i learned it *says in japanese*

???2: cool.

We then arrived at the surface, kinda.... clean ill be honest. i looked and saw a red haired female... 

(B#tch spotted! I repeat! B#tch Spotted!)

Big castle...


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