Chapter 1: witchbottle

Start from the beginning


Time past and the body of Lisa Tepes was now a burning corpse. Amongst the crackling fire you can hear the faint sound of sobbing.

"Do not cry Saintess. Her soul has no gone to hell, where she rightfully belongs." Bishop said as he put his hand on her shoulder.


"How could you?! She was just a defenceless woman! She was just a person! You think you of a right to kill just because you work for the Church, you have no right! You had no right to kill her or anybody for that matter, you hade no right to Judge her for doing what she thought was right!" She yelled as tears streamed down her face.

Bishop sighed at her stubbornness and walked up the stairs and to the flames. The crowds paid no heed to her cries as they yelled in victory or clapped.

"Why won't anbody listen to me...this is not what God would've wanted." She whispered as she sat there on her knees crying.

"Ah. There. Quite a show. Drinks?" The Mayor offered as he stood by the Bishop.

"I should minister to the Archbishop. I fear he's not long for this world, to be honest." Bishop said.

"Off to heaven with this, eh?"
I supposed that's the ultimate goal for you priests, serving God in house true house and all that...though are you going to do something about the girl?" Mayor asked as they walked by the crying young woman.

"It holds little appeal for me, to be honest and the nuns will take care of her." Bishop said and he sighed as the nuns rushed passed him towards Maria. "There's so much left to he done on earth. Wallachia could be God's own country had I but time to burn out all the evil thst hides here." He said.


The burning fire exploded and rushed up into a pillar of fire and from the fire the skull then turned face appeared. Due to Maria's power her and the nuns were shielded from the explosion.

"What have you done?" Dracula asked.

"Satan!" The Mayor gasped.

"What have you done to my wife?" Dracula asked more ferociously.

"In nomine Patris et Filii..." Bishop xhanted as hs took out his cross.

"They...they burned her." Maria sniffed as she looked upon the flamed facial of the man who then looked at her.

"I am Vlad Dracula Tepes and you will tell me why this thing has happened to my wife." Dracula demanded.

"They say she was witch and that she held hands with Satan. But that's not true...I know it's not true..." Maria cried.

"Hush Saintess." The nuns covered her mouth so she would stop talking.

"Oh, no! Oh God! Dracula! He was supposed to by myth, a story made up by Heretics!" Mayor yelled in fright.

"She's was a witch." Bishop said.

"Lisa Tepes was a woman of science, and the one thing thst justified humanity's stench upon this planet." Dracula said.

"You are not real. You are a fiction that justified the practice of black magic!" Bishop said.

" a fiction!" Dracula roared. "You take my wife and deny I exist!... I give you one year, Wallachians. You have one year to make your peace and remove any marks you have made upon the land. One year, and I'll wipe all human life from the land of Wallachia. You took that which I loved, so i will take from you everything you have and everything you have ever been. One year." Dracula warned and he glanced at the Saintess. "Leave." He said and disappeared in a pillar of fire that caused and unearthly howl. All the windows shattered as the winds blew fearlessly. The sky rained down balls of fire.

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