Part sixty: the new year's kiss

Start from the beginning

"Just admit it, you like what you see."

"Oh, I like what I see. I do—this breakfast looks delicious," Mix said and reached for the fork to start eating.

Earth smiled and shook his head, "well, I like you better."

"Shut up and eat," Mix mumbled with his mouth full of food.


"And now, important question," Earth said as they were done cleaning up after breakfast. "Did you bring the tiny flag you promised sheriff Anderson?"

Mix made sure that the fire in the fireplace was strong enough and sit next to Earth on the sofa. "It should be somewhere in my bag. Why?"

"I thought that we could go for a walk and stop by at sheriff Anderson's cabin. What do you say?"

"I'd love that," Mix nodded excitedly. "Besides, didn't she say that her nephew has a birthday in January? We should give it to her as soon as possible the first week of January is already gone."

Earth frowned. Mix was right, the first week of January was already gone and Earth only then realized something—they didn't even wish each other a happy new year, yet.

"You know what I just realized?" Earth asked, pulling Mix closer to himself.

Mix more than happily moved closer, letting Earth's hands wander on his thighs. "No," he looked at Earth with his big doe eyes, "what?"

"That it's been a week into the year and we still didn't have a new year's kiss."

"Ummm," Mix started nodding, "but we did kiss since the year started."

Earth leaned closer, "but that doesn't count—it wasn't a new year's kiss."

"Well, if you want a new year's kiss so badly you'll have to wait some 360 days," Mix said, trying to keep a serious face which was incredibly hard with Earth so close.

"That's too long," Earth pouted. "I can't wait that long."

This time Mix was the one who leaned closer, their noses were only a fraction away from an Eskimo kiss. "Poor baby," Mix spoke softly, "I guess I have no other choice just to kiss you then, huh?"

"I'm afraid, that's the only option," Earth said, his eyes glued to Mix's
lips, waiting for their sweet touch.

Mix reached for the back of Earth's neck and pulled Earth towards himself, their lips finally touched and the only thing Mix could think about at that moment was how much he loved Earth. Mix couldn't believe that since he got Earth back—even though it wasn't that long ago—they shared only one kiss. Yes, the circumstances weren't exactly right for these kinds of activities but still...

Earth was stroking Mix's thighs, one of his hands found its way under Mix's sweater, rubbing soothing circles on his tummy.

Mix hmmed in delight, allowing Earth's tongue into his mouth to meet with his own. A low moan escaped Earth's lips when he felt Mix sucking on his tongue.

Earth let go of Mix's thigh and pushed Mix further into the sofa, their lips leaving each other for a while as Earth was hovering over Mix.

"Happy new year, angel," Earth breathed out, watching Mix with his rosy cheeks and glistening lips, looking so damn beautiful.

"Happy new year," Mix whispered back and pulled Earth down towards him again. He bit on Earth's lips and licked the spot with his tongue, while his hands were gently pulling on Earth's hair.

Earth was groaning into the kiss, his mind was hazy—Mix was driving him crazy in the most perfect way possible.

Since Earth was alive again, every touch, every kiss he shared with Mix felt twice as real, twice as good, twice as intoxicating, he couldn't get enough. It was like the taste of Mix, Earth was so familiar with, was only a weak imitation of what Mix truly was like. And yet he loved both versions, for it was the weaker version that brought him back so he could get a taste of the most perfect version there was.

Earth slowly disconnected their lips, breathing heavily, he pressed their foreheads together.

"I love you."

"I love you."

They both said at the same time, making them giggle. Earth bored his head into the crook of Mix's neck, breathing in Mix's calming scent.

"I missed this," Mix said, his hand still in Earth's hair.

"I did too, so much," Earth gave Mix's neck a peck and then sat up, taking Mix with him.

"What are you doing?" Mix asked, wrapping his arms around Earth's neck.

Earth stood up with Mix still in his arms and started walking towards the stairs. "We are going outside, we need some warm jackets," Earth said, "and jackets are upstairs."

"Okay, cool, but put me down."


"Eaaaarth, I know you are strong, but put me down," Mix whined.

"No can do," Earth chuckled and slowly started walking upstairs with Mix.

"Whatever," Mix laughed, "but at least be careful. I don't wanna meet these stairs with my face."

"No worries—the only thing that can meet your pretty face is me," Earth said, walking up another step.

To be continued...

P.S. I hope you liked the double update 🙈

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