Issue #38: Waiting for a Friend

Start from the beginning

"ME GOOLIES!" Boomerang exclaimed as he fell over.

"He throws Boomerangs and he's Australian!? This has to be a joke." Jane said.

"He is." Caitlin responded. Jane sat down next to her and Rose leaned on the end of the table, not fully sitting down. Boomerang got up to his knees and sent a straight punch right into Abner's own nuts. Now it was his turn to fall over.


"THAT'S RACIST!" Boomerang said before the two began punching each other in the face on their knees.

"What's dick-nose's power. He's gotta have one with that big ass dog collar." Rose pointed out.

"Well you see, while Captain Boomerang throws Boomerangs, Polka Dot Man throws Polka Dots." Caitlin explained.

"You're fucking lying." Jane said in disbelief before the three of them laughed.

"This is so pathetic!" Rose said. "It's"

"Like a make-a-wish cancer patient fighting Forrest Gump over who has the worst life?" Caitlin finished her sentence, remembering how she described it to (Y,N).

"Or who has the worst super power." Jane laughed, unintentionally finishing the quote. More guards came in and eventually broke up the fight.

"Awwwwww, no winner!" Rose said. The whole cafeteria booed. "I want a refund."

"It was worth them dragging me out of solitary I guess." Jane shrugged.

"Solitary? What'd they lock you in there for?" Rose asked, now sitting down across from Jane and Caitlin.

"They fucked around with me. And found out." She said with a smirk.

"Well aren't you a little badass?" Rose said before sticking out a hand for a handshake. "Rose. Wilson."

"Jane. Crazy." Jane introduced herself. She stared at the hand. "I don't do really well with people in general. Touching them, talking to them, it's a miracle we've even had this conversation this long."

"Small world. I also hate people." Rose said.

"Same here." Caitlin said before realizing she somehow went from sitting alone for the last year to now having two people at her table. She was yet to threaten either of them, too.

"Let's be friends based on mutual hate for everyone else. Anti-Social Club." Rose proposed.

-Meanwhile, back at Terra and Blackfire's table-

"I can't believe (Y,N) is friends with those two idiots. I can't believe they were his friends before we were!" Komi said.

"Wait, you guys know (Y,N)?" Duela asked.

"How do you know (Y,-" Komi began to say before her eyes narrowed. "Your real name isn't Elsa, is it." She said in a threatening tone.

"No. Pretty sure it's Duela. But (Y,N) is the prisoner who's also a doctor right? Kinda a condescending asshole at first? Talks to himself?"

"He's not a-... okay, yeah he is an asshole at first." Komi admitted.

"At first? Let's not kid anyone. He's an asshole, you're a bitch, I'm a dick." Tara said.

"Why would you wanna be a dick?"

"Because I didn't wanna repeat asshole after I already called him an asshole."

"Do you have a dick?"

"What the fuck you've seen me naked!"

"Oh wow, didn't mean to start a lover's quarrel." Duela snickered and so did Sebastian.

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