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After I signed my painting, I showed Sun, who was still working on his. When he saw the piece of construction paper, he gasped.

"I love it! That's the most beautiful turkey known to man," Sun nodded to himself as he praised my work.

"What are you making?" I asked, looking over his shoulder.

He allowed me to see, he was painting the Fizzy Faz can I was drinking from earlier. I gawked at the detail. I envy adults, they have so much practice at things I don't have the same experience in.

"Woah," I muttered.

"Nowhere near as beautiful as yours," Sun stated.

"That's true," I agreed, "But it has potential."

"Thank you, Master Cade, I will try my best to hone this potential," Sun put his hands together and nodded his head.

"Yes, yes," I dismissed in an accent. "Can we play hide and seek now?"

"Yeah!" Sun grinned - well, he always grinned, but that's not the point. "Just don't go near the desk, okay?"

"I promise I won't," I held out my pinky finger and held my other hand out so he could see it.

That's something my brother and I do when we make a promise. So we can't cross our fingers and lie. We've also established that crossing your toes doesn't count cause that's just unfair.

Sun shook my pinkie with his and then I ran off to go hide. Sun turned around and started counting. I ran into the play area, climbing upstairs and going through tubes. I decided on hiding in a slide, using my hands to keep myself from sliding down.

"19...20! Ready or not, here I come!" I heard Sun call.

Sun ran around, I could hear the bells on his wrists and shoes jingle as he did, in search of me. He found me rather quickly. It scared me when he appeared at the bottom of the slide, his head peaking into it as he was crawling up. Because of the surprise, I loosened my hands' grip and thus slid right into his arms. I laughed as he caught me and brought me out of the slide.

"Wait here," I instructed.

Then I ran back through the tubes and platforms to reach the top of the slide I was just in.

"Catch me!" I called before ducking into the slide and sliding down.

I laughed harder than last time because Sun panicked but still caught me effortlessly.

"Whew! Gave me a scare for a second, friend!" He joked.

"Sorry," I laughed as he placed me down.

I ran back to the table with the paints. I picked up my Bonnie plush, before turning back around and meeting Sun in the middle.

"I'm hungry, Sun," I hummed, coming down from the adrenaline rush.

I yawned and allowed Sun to lift me.

"Then why don't we get you a yummy snack and then put you to bed?" Sun offered.

"Okay," I agreed, resting my head on his shoulder.

Sun got me some chips, telling me that once Freddy took me back, he could take me to get pizza because Sun couldn't leave. While I consumed the chips like a vacuum cleaner, Sun cleaned the painting and crafting supplies and displayed a sleeping bag and pillow.


[Reloading File...]

Sun tucked in the sleeping child, almost frantic because of the time. Almost at hour's end, Freddy still hadn't knocked. He had less than five minutes. Trying to see if Freddy was nearby, Sun climbed up the cage and looked through the holes. If the bear didn't make it, Sun just hoped Moon wouldn't do anything to hurt Cade in his sleep. He controls himself fine when the children are asleep, but when they are awake the problems arise. Sun glanced towards his sleeping pal.

"Sweet Dreams," Sun crawled off the cage walls as the hour ended.

Staying as quiet as he could while in excruciating pain, Sun attempted to not wake the sleeping form across the room. Moon crouched down, looking around before honing in on someone in the room with him.

The moon hovered over the sleeping child, scanning his body and finding he was asleep. Moon stayed quiet, looking around from his place. He noticed a child, awake, inside an animatronic outside the daycare. As he left the caged room, wires attached to Moon's back and he began swimming through the air.


I jolted awake when bright lights burst to life around me. I found that I was still in the daycare, no one was around me. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and blinking them to clear my vision. Once my eyesight was as accurate as usual, I stood from the sleeping bag I was in.

I roamed the play area for a while until I became bored. I heard heavy footsteps outside the daycare and decided to check it out. Arriving at the large door, I opened it, taking a peek outside. It was a little difficult because it was so big.

I saw Chica, her back turned at an angle. She seemed more tired than before and she needed a nice, long shower. I closed the door behind me as I left the daycare room. Chica twitched in weird ways. I'm sure I'd do that too if I had to stay up all night looking for a kid who wasn't supposed to be there.

I tapped her leg, grabbing her attention. The moment she turned around, she violently grabbed me.

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