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Vanessa set me down on the floor as we reached Freddy's room. She swiped her card and opened the door. Freddy was standing by a door in his room.

"Sit down," Vanessa commanded me.

I obeyed, running over to the couch and sitting on it criss-cross apple sauce. She walked over to Freddy, who glanced around.

"Listen, I know you have something to do with that kid being around so long. I don't want to take care of this one myself and its mother is outside ready to sue us if anything happens to it. So, keep this one unharmed. I don't want so much as a scratch on it," Vanessa muttered to Freddy. "I'm still looking for that Gregory, but I know where this kid is. Make sure it stays that way and the other bots won't get vio..." She muttered the last part of the word so I couldn't understand it.

Freddy nodded, "Of course, I will keep him safe and deliver him to his mother safely."


When Vanessa left, she slammed the door, making me flinch. I hugged Bonnie.

"Hey, Superstar," Freddy walked over and kneeled in front of me. "Where'd you get this?"

I looked down at the Plush he pointed to, "My dad gave it to me a long time ago."

"Wow, he must have liked Fazbear Entertainment when he was a kid too!" Freddy sounded like he was smiling but his expression didn't change.

"Yeah," I wiped away a tear. "Bonnie saved him once from someone who tried to kidnap him and so grandma got him this."

"That's wonderful!" Freddy spoke softly.

Suddenly, the lights shut off. Soon after, the door to the room opened and shut. A boy a little older than myself pressed his back against the door. He ran over to Freddy and I watched in horror as Freddy's chest opened up and the boy climbed inside. Then Freddy ran to the door he'd been standing in front of when I got here and ran inside the room.

"Naughty boy..." An eerie voice growled as the door creaked open.

I stared, petrified, as a blue and white hand slipped onto the door frame. Then the lights snapped back on and there was a scream from the same voice as the hand left the frame. I held my breath for a few more seconds then released it when that thing, whatever it was, didn't come back.

I held onto Bonnie between my legs and chest, wrapping my arms around my knees. I couldn't help the tears from falling. My brother always calls me a crybaby for this but it hurts when I hold it back. My mom told me it's okay to cry and I think in this terrifying situation, it's especially okay to cry.

I heard Freddy and the kid from before walk out of the back room. I looked up at them. Freddy took one look at me and ran over.

"Are you alright, Superstar?" He asked, checking me over for any wounds.

The older kid came over as well.

"I'm okay, but-" I took in a sharp breath, "But there was something that almost come inside."

"That was Moon. He's pretty violent. He attacks you if you're not asleep for some reason," The older boy explained. "My name's Gregory."

"I'm Cade," I muttered, trying to wipe away my tears because I didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Sometimes they make me feel like crying too," Gregory pat my head awkwardly. "Anyways, I have to go... Get something."

"Alright, we'll see you soon, Superstar," Freddy acknowledged.

After Gregory left the room, Freddy turned back to me. I awkwardly sat under his gaze before I realized that I probably needed to talk to him before he can respond. He is a robot.

"Uhm, when can I go home?" I questioned.

Freddy stayed silent for a moment or two before speaking, "You have a few hours left before the doors open at 6 AM."

"Oh," I whispered. "Can we go somewhere to play?"

"Of course, where would you like to go?"

"Uhm," I bit my cheek as I tried to think of a fun place to go. "Can we go to Sun? He was fun to play with."

"He is quite fun to play with, fortunately, if we go over now, you can play with him for 50 minutes," Freddy stood from his crouching position and held out his hands.

I allowed him to lift me and he walked towards our destination. Once we arrived at the doors, a big banner with 'BANNED >:(' written on it blocked our way. Freddy knocked on the door.

"Sun!" I called, after a few seconds of no answer, causing Freddy to chuckle.

The door opened slightly as Sun peaked through. He opened the door a little more, careful as to not rip the paper in front of it. He stuck a hand out.

"Only Cade," He emphasized.

Freddy set me down, "I'll knock when it's time to go, okay?"

I nodded, walking over to Sun and taking his hand. Sun gently tugged me inside as I waved to Freddy. Once the door was closed, Sun pulled me to the other side of the room. After he inquired on what I wished to do, he awaited my answer eerily. I thought over the list he'd given me and decided on finger painting.

After he brought out the paints, paper, and (optional) paintbrushes, I got started on my masterpiece, doing the only thing I knew how to do. I painted my palm and thumb brown and pressed them against the paper. Then I painted my fingers red, orange, red, orange and put them above the palm, but slightly to the side. Next, I took a small paintbrush and yellow paint. I made a beak on the end of the thumb, then I took black and placed an eye above the beak, on the thumb. I put my brush in the water and swished it around to clean it. I left it there but noticed Sun remove it, placing it on a napkin. I took a glue stick and some circle-cereal-pieces-the-author-isn't-sure-if-I-should-name and glued them around with no real idea why, I just wanted to. People should use that as n excuse for more things.

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