Will you?

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It's getting late and I've had a few beers, the pats won of course, and I was jumping around like a lunatic. I was so into football, it was mine and my dad's favourite thing to before he died.
Chris family were amazing and we were all getting on really well. It was nice to be surrounded by family again.
"Want another beer?"
Chris walks over with another beer and hands it to me. "You remembered to open this one" I laugh and he squints at me "funny"
"Your family are amazing"
"Yeah there pretty great tbf"
I look out at the beautiful view. I sigh "what's up?"
"Nothing, I just can't believe I'm here drinking a beer with Captain America"
He laughs "well the world is a crazy place"
"Yes it is. But seriously thank you for inviting me"
"No problem."
"But why do you keep inviting me out?"
"Your a incredible woman Sam, you treat me like a normal human being not an actor or celebrity. I like to surround myself with people like that"
"Well your are a normal human being chris"
"Your just special"
"I'm special? Is that a good thing?"
"A really good thing" he takes my hand in his and turns me to look at him.
"Sam, I really like you. You just seem to relax me and you make me laugh so much."
I smile up at him wondering where this is going.
"Will you let me take you out on a date?"
I'm slightly taken back by the question. Why would he want to date someone like me? I'm so shocked I forget to answer
"Oh.....if you don't.....it's fine....forget it"
He goes to walk off, I grab his arm and pull him to me, without thinking and letting the beer take over I pull him in for a kiss. He hesitates at first but then kisses me back. It's soft and sweet. We pull away and he smiles at me "is that a yes?"
I giggle "yes chris I would love to go out on a date with you"
"Yes of course" we stand there for a little while just smiling at each other. He goes to lean in for another kiss when scott shouts us over. We walk back to the family and see scott lining up cups
"Beer pong come on. Sam your on my team"
I giggle and walk to Scott.
"Chris you've got steve"
Steve is scott boyfriend, chris puts his arm around Steve's shoulder and pulls him in.
" come on let's kick his ass"
"Christopher!" Chris mum Lisa shouts over.
"Sorry ma"
I can't help but laugh at him being told off by his mum.
"You think that's funny do you"
"A little yea"
"Right time to wipe that smile of your face"
"Your on evans"
"Oooooooo" scott jokes.
We play for hours, me and scott win 3 games and steve and chris win 2.
Me and scot dance around showing the loser signs to them. I can't help but laugh.
Chris comes over to me "your mean"
"A little" I can't help but giggle. He gets really close and puts his hands on my waist. He goes to lean in but instead I push him and he lands in the pool. He comes up for air and splashes me.
His entire family start laughing.
"Wow! You have to come round more often Sam, we like you." Lisa pulls me into a side hug and I can't help but notice a smile on chris face.
"Thanks Ma"
"Your welcome honey"
He gets out of the pool and comes towards me, he holds his arms open "how about a hug?"
"Nope. Stay away evans"
He starts to chase me, I squeal. His nephews and nieces come to my defence, pushing him back so he can't get to me.
"Guys. Your supposed to be on my side."
"Nope we like Sam more" this makes me laugh more. Before I know it I feel a water balloon break on my head. I gasp at the cold water.
I look to see Shanna laughing, she was Chris's younger sister.
"Sorry, I felt bad for him"
Chris laughing so much he is basically on the floor.
"Where are the balloons?"
Chris stops laughing at looks at me. Shanna hands me the bucket where she has filled a lot of balloons.
Chris looks at me and the bucket "Sam! Now don't be silly"
I can't help but smirk " you better run evans"
Before I Chase him. I turn around and see Shanna laughing before she looks at me and realises what I'm about to do.
"Sam no!"
I throw one at her and it hits her in the stomach and bursts all over her. I laugh so much.
"That's its WATER FIGHT!!!"
Next minute I know we are all running around throwing water balloons, using water pistols and just splashing around in the pool. It's the most fun I've had in so long.

We run out of balloons and energy, we all collapsed on the grass.
"Well that was fun" chris says
"It really was" Shanna replies.
"I should get the kids dry. Come on guys" all the kids walk past and high 5 me!
"Your so cool Sam"
"Thanks guys"
Chris laughs and sits up "what's so funny"
"Nothing. You've just won the hearts of everyone in this family. They love you"
"Well I'm pretty loveable"
He laughs and gives me a side hug "I'm really glad I met you Sam"
"Me too chris"
I can't help the ear splitting smile I have on my face.

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