1 week later

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Chris POV

It's been a week since I saw Sam in the karaoke bar, we had a great night of dancing, singing and flirting. She is definitely more flirty when she has had a drink.
We have been talking all week, texting and face timing at the end of the day. She always looks so worn out when she gets home, she needs some fun. So I asked her to come along to my house this evening, it's Saturday so she doesn't have work tomorrow. I'm having a get together, the patriots game is on and I thought it would be good to have a few people over. She of course said she would love too.
I'm just sorting out the last few things when there is a knock at the door. I go to open it and there she is, looking absolutely stunning in a patriots jersey of all things. I swear this girl is perfect.
"Hello Evans."
"Hello Samantha"
"Oooooo Samantha. Am I in trouble?"
I laugh "No of course not. You look great. I didn't know you were a pats fan"
"Hell yeah, hello I'm from Boston"
"Very true"
"I come baring alcohol beverages. Where would you like them?"
"Fridge would be great. Follow me"
She follows me to the kitchen and I place the beer into the fridge, she grabs a bottle for herself and I have one too.
"Your a pats fan and a beer fan"
"Yup sir"
"Your like the perfect woman"
She laughs "wouldn't go that far"
"Well games starts in 3 hours, everyone should be here soon. So what do you wanna do?"
"Erm......I dunno......"
"Want to the see the back yard?"
"Yes please"
We walk out and she gasps, "this is beautiful chris"
"Thanks. I've worked pretty hard to get it perfect tbf"
"The pool looks lovely"
"Yeah, should of told you to bring a suit sorry"
She pulls her top down and shows me the strap "never leave home without one"
"Right. Want to go for a swim?"
"Why not?"
I take my T-shirt off and jump in as I already have my trunks on. I come up from the water to see her removing her shorts and pulling her jersey off and when I say my mouth dropped I mean it. She was just absolutely stunning.

She walked over to the steps and slowly walked into the water

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She walked over to the steps and slowly walked into the water. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
"Chris? You okay?"
"Yeah. I'm all good"
She smiled and started to swim the length of the pull. She was careful not to get her hair wet.
"This pool is amazing"
"Yeah kind of my pride and joy"
She giggles "so Evans, how many lucky girls get to swim in your pool?"
"Not many"
"Yeah, I don't really like bringing people here, it's kind of difficult to trust people in my line of work"
"Yeah I can imagine"
We stare at each other for longer then intended when I finally get the courage to ask her a question my brother walks out "yo Chrissy poo"
"Hello scott"
"Well hello. Nice to see you again Sam"
"You too scott"
Scott looks at me and winks, I can't help but smile. I get out of the pool and grab us some towels, as I'm drying off, I hear scott wolf whistle. I turn around and see Sam walking towards me
"Damn girl, you are smoking hot"
She laughs "well thank you scott, coming from a gay man, that is an unbelievable compliment"
"I tell it as it is honey and woah"
I can see her blushing but she is laughing too. Surly she has to know how stunning she is.
"Don't you agree chris?" I glance at scott and he has that smirk of his on his lips.
Sam looks over at me waiting for my answer "she looks incredible"
I smile shyly as I look at her and she blushes more. She is so cute but also sexy at the same time.
We dry off and get our clothes back on, just as the rest of my family come barging through the door. I make all the necessary introductions and everyone is getting on great. I head on into the kitchen and grab a beer for me and Sam, when I get back to her in the garden she is talking to my sister and they are all laughing about something. I pass Sam her beer and she looks at me confused
"How am I supposed to drink a closed beer chris?"
"Oh shit" I go to walk off but she grabs my arm and takes me beer from me "what are you doing?"
"Watch" she wedges my bottle under the lid of hers and using her foot kicks the top clean off. She then does the same to mine. She hands me my beer back "that was so cool"
She laughs "old college trick"
Seriously she is the perfect woman, I can not find a flaw with her. It's like the universe is trying to tell me something. I like her. I want to ask her out but what if she isn't interested. Oh god. These kind of things always made me nervous.

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