Chapter 5❤

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Before I could say anything the door bell rang.
Since my mom was putting more chips out I ran to answer the door.Also getting me out of that weird position I was in.
I couldn't believe my eyes.!

It was T-Dub.(my moms old friend Tim he used to come over all the time before he moved back to his home town in Detroit. Once he even bought me and my sister season passes for WorldsOfFun)

*hugs each other*
TD:Your mom told me you were moving tomorrow, so I thought I would drop by.

Demi:You did more than drop by you drove all the way from Detroit to be here!Thanks

TD:no problem, no problem.But aye wheres your mom

Demi:Shes in the kitchen

TD:Oh ok I'm gonna talk to her for a bit.

Demi:oh ok

Then I turned around looking for Dawson.
(F.Y.I Dawson is Demi's Sophomore crush.. I guess you could say.They were friends not really close but Demi was comfortable talking to him.He moved schools in junior year.But they still managed to stay on speaking terms ((texting)) . This is the first time seeing each other in a long while.)

?? :Demi!!
*looks around*
???: Over here ...!


I g2g 5 1/2 comin soon...

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