Chapter Two❤

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"HEY, WHAT'S UP?HELLOO!" the song Trap Queen burst from the speaker just about blowing my moms and my ear drums out of our heads.My mom quickly turns down the music and gives me a harsh looking at.

"Demi I told you to turn the  music down when you're done using the car! Are you trying to go deaf at age 18, and kill your mother while at it?!!?"she retorted.

I know I was scared but there was nothing more pricelessly funny than the face my mom just made.

    " S-so-sorry moms"I say half gigging.She just rolls her eyes and backs out the drive way.

Less than 15minutes later we where at the theater. Waiting in the lobby for my (older) sister, Zoey, to arrive.The yummy popcorn fumes  almost reached my wallet, but luckily my sister finally came in.

"Hey Dee,"she says walking towards us with her arms spread wide...shes been calling me Dee since--forever.. "and momm..looking good my love"

I notice my sister has her big purse on which means we wont be buying anything.*wink*wink

We all hug and get a good look at each other before going into the movie.

"HaHahahh..!"we are all laughing at how good the movie was and where we should go out to eat.

  We decide to go to Golden Corral, because of the variety of foods...And let's admit it we all love there rolls.

We should a have known better than to come to Golden Corral at 6pm on a Friday.It was packed.!

" How bad do you want to eat here ,Demi.." Mom says.Her and my sister look at me  hoping I would make the decision to eat somewhere else.
"Uhhm..I guess we could go to 54th Street in Zona Rosa! I can't get enough of there cheese burgers!!"
"Yeees I was hoping you would say that ,but I didn't want to have any input on your decision since we're doing this for you."
"Well ok, girls let's go because my stomach is eating my back," says mom."i guess you could I saayy..I'm starvin lik Marvin.."she says almost falling in laughter at her own 'joke'.
Marvin?what..why does my mom think she is so hilarious
   "Dee, ride with me.I want to talk to you sistah to sista "Zoey says with a huge smile on her face.I giggle at the sight of her eyebrows raised so high almost touching her hairline.

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