" Are you serious? Of course, I do. What kind of businessman would I be if I didn't? All of my customers names are filed away in the ole' noddin' right here. "

   " Then could you tell us the name of the jacket owner? " You said, finishing your last animal cracker.

   " Sure, I keep the names on the order tags."

The older man stood up and walked towards the suit jacket, he reached inside the jacket pocket to pull on the tag, and Shining Knight appeared beside you.

   " Y/n? Why is Shining Knight here? "

   " Just as a precaution. "

   ' This almost seems too easy, but also coincidental that we found this place. We're so close now, and I don't want to take the chance of something standing in our way. '

Shining Knight went towards the owner and stood beside him, not that the owner could see your stand. Shining Knight's shield was strapped to his arm and ready to defend if something did occur. The owner turned the tag around, and you stand got a clear sighting of the name, allowing you to know the murderer's name.

   " How do I read this? I remember it's. . ."

   ' I know it. '

You bumped Jotaro's elbow, and he looked down at you. 

   " I can see the name. "

Jotaro nodded, and you turned back towards the store owner. Shining Knight raised its shield quickly as something was thrown towards the owner. When Shining Knight trusted his shield forward, the object flew off the shield and hit the wall and then the floor. The object was small, and it resembled a small tank. There was a skull on the front with a knife on its forehead. The color of the shield was blue, and there was a yellow center on the top of the dome. The small tank hit the wall and landed on its wheels to the floor. It knocked some of the shelving of the cabinets, and the owner was starting to freak out a little.

   " Look over here. "

   " It spoke! "

   " Look over here. '

   " Y/n, Koichi, keep your guard up. Don't get any closer to it. "

   " Hey. Didn't you hear me? I said look over here. "

Everyone, even the older man, turned towards the small device, and it jumped towards the owner. Shining Knight raised its shield again, but the device maneuvered around the shield.

   " No you don't! "

Shining Knight quickly twisted around and placed his shield in front of the owner, making the device hit your shield once again, and your stand trusted it off once more.

   " Look! The killer is here! "

You looked at Koichi and then where he was pointing to see he was telling the truth. The killer was behind the door, leading into the back of the shop. You could only see his hand gripping the fabric of his purple coat on the hanger.

   " Good grief. I never expected him to come and actually take the suit. "

Jotaro started to walk forward, and you walked towards the shop owner.

   " Excuse me, sir. But we need you to leave. We can't explain why, but you need to trust us. "

The older man looked into your eyes for a few moments before nodding his head and running out of the shop. You looked back to Jotaro, who was moving closer to the door, but the small tank came to stand in front of Jotaro. Noises started to come from the stand like it was moving something inside itself. It sounded like metal scraping against metal. 

I Will Protect You (Josuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now