Shut The F*ck Up {Harry Potter}

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"Serves him right." You hear Draco say quietly.

This time you don't turn around, though. Your blood is boiling so much that if you look at him again you will punch him just like Hermione did back in your third year, maybe even worse. And you try to stay quiet, you really do, but once you see the way that Snape's lips turn into a smirk you feel your patience vanishing within seconds. "Hey, Snape, I have a better idea," You find yourself standing up on your desk almost effortlessly. You're not even thinking straight at this point. Everyone else suddenly looks much smaller than you, including the greasy-haired professor, who is looking like he isn't processing what is happening. "Why don't you-" you kick your cauldron and the turquoise liquid spills all over the floor. "SHUT THE FUCK UP?"

If the class was quiet before now It's like a funeral. You feel everyone's eyes on you but you're only focused on the way that Snape's face is quickly turning a crimson red. His facial expression says it all, he is beyond angry. You have never seen him like this before; of course, you've seen him let out his anger on other students, that's nothing new. However, no one had ever dared to do something so scandalous as what you just did so he is definitely taken aback and looking like he wants to kill you.

Unfortunately for him, that is illegal, so the only thing he can do is take away a shit ton of House points (you hear a few Slytherins cursing you quietly for that) and practically drag you into the Headmaster's office. For some reason, he decides to take Harry as well, although the only wrong thing he did was to mess up his potion, a common thing for a student to do in class.

Dumbledore seems to know that you would be arriving because, once the three of you enter, he is already smiling calmly at you. "Ah, Mr. Potter, Mx. (Y/N), lovely seeing you both here."

"Hey there, Dumblesir." you wave at him with a grin.

As Dumbledore chuckles, Snape opens his mouth, again. You realize how tired you are of hearing his ugly voice. "Headmaster, I must inform you that this visit is not a good thing. I bring them to you because these two students, in particular, don't seem to know how to behave like proper human beings."

You roll your eyes. Dramatic much?

"Potter here was sleeping in the middle of my class and, on top of that, he doesn't seem to be capable of getting a single potion right." His head snaps towards your direction as soon as he finishes talking and he stares at you with narrowed eyes. "And this one here shouldn't even be considered a student here anymore. They were causing mayhem in my classroom and they disrespected me in front of the entirety of my students."

"Is that so?" Dumbledore's eyes get curious as he, too, turns to you. He fixes his glasses. "Mx. (Y/N), is this true?"

"Yes, sir. I told him to shut the fuck up," you answer flatly. For a moment, Dumbledore seems to be shocked, but he manages to keep the same calm expression on his face after he processes what you tell him.

"It was brilliant," Harry mutters next to you and you look at him before laughing quietly.

Snape smacks Harry on the back of his head. "You ought to be expelled, too, Potter, if you approve of this type of behavior towards a professor."

"See?" you motion towards Snape in frustration. "This is exactly why I told him to shut the fuck up, because he keeps mistreating Harry, more than he mistreats everyone else. I get that sleeping in class is not right but Professor Snape likes to take the dumbest things and use them against him. Harry moves a freaking finger and you know that Professor Snape is going to be like 'Potter, you think that just because you're the Chosen One you can move your fingers in my class'. And, okay, I know that what I did was wrong, but I was only standing up for my friend, so I don't think that I should get expelled for this."

When you're done talking, the room stays quiet for what seems to be the longest time, and you almost start to think that everyone has forgotten how to speak. Not even Snape has something to say. Harry's just looking from one professor to another, waiting for one of them to say something. He almost looks nervous. Dumbledore is rubbing his chin, looking thoughtful. Or maybe he's in a daze, you're not completely sure. Regardless, he eventually hums before speaking up. "While it is true that what you did was not appropriate, I do understand your motive, Mx. (Y/N)," his smile is back. "You will not be expelled. However, I do feel obligated to give you a week's detention for this."

You scoff like It's nothing. "I'm cool with that."

"Headmaster, I must insist," Professor Snape takes a step forward. "I think the punishment should be much worse."

Dumbledore shakes his head. "I'm sure that's more than enough. I trust that Mx. (Y/N) will not do such a thing ever again. Right?"

"I will not." you smile confidently. Unless he asks for it...


"I've said my final word, Snape," Dumbledore interrupted. "You may all leave now."

Professor Snape looks defeated for a moment but he quickly disguises it with his usual blank expression. He gives one last nod before turning to Harry and me. "I will see you both in class."

And with that, he leaves. The two of us follow after thanking the old man. "How in the world did you manage to get away with this?" Harry asks as soon as you're out of the office. His voice has disbelief written all over it.

You shrug with a smirk. "I guess I'm just very persuasive."

HARRY POTTER • FANTASTIC BEASTS | ONE-SHOTSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz