Assassin {Tom Riddle} [M]

Start from the beginning

Tom was certainly amused by the way that you spoke about it all. It was like watching someone talk about their favorite book. He never thought he would meet someone so passionate about killing people at Hogwarts, let alone someone who seemingly had a lot of experience in doing so. Like you mentioned, he had killed that filthy mudblood Myrtle Warren, but not directly. His Basilisk did all the work, he simply gave the orders. But you certainly didn’t seem afraid to kill someone with your own hands. “So, you want to help me kill my father?” He asked slowly.

You smiled, your hand releasing his and the knife. You also leaned into the table, so that your faces were now only inches away. “Only if you want. I can show many more things about this, if you’re interested. You’ll find that killing with a wand is simply not as entertaining.”

His gaze went down to your lips, and almost automatically he raised the knife to caress your skin with it. “I think you’ve persuaded me enough.”

You bit your lip. “Glad to know you’re interested.”

He ran the knife through your jaw tauntingly. You could already tell that he was going to be a natural.


You were right.

When you and Tom managed to sneak in to his father’s home a few weeks later, you found him asleep in his bed. Both of you stood on each side of it, watching him before you gave Tom the signal. “Just like I taught you.” You whispered.

Tom nodded. He took out his own knife, one that you had given him as a gift, and proceeded to draw it across his father’s throat, deep. As soon as the blood started to come out in large amounts, his eyes popped wide open. His mouth hung in the shape of an ‘O’ and gurgling sounds were the only thing to come out of it.

Once he was hopeless, his father managed to turn his head to look at Tom. His eyes were full of despair. “Hello, father.” Tom said, a calm look on his face.

His father tried to speak, but nothing coherent came out of his mouth. In the heat of the moment, it seemed, Tom stabbed him on the chest. And then he stabbed him a second time. And then a third time. And then he kept going until his face was splattered with blood, his breathing heavy, and his father not moving anymore. Even to you it was a shocking sight, but you couldn’t deny that it was also very fascinating. Tom’s eyes met yours. “That felt… exquisite.”

And before you could speak, he walked towards you and grabbed you by the waist, his lips roughly meeting yours. It took you by surprise, but you managed to catch up to him and wrap your arms around his neck, tangling your hands in his hair as the kiss got hungrier by the second. There was a rush of adrenaline going through you, and you were certain that he was feeling it as well, and suddenly the taste of metal against your tongue wasn’t too bad.

You pulled away, despite the fact that you wanted to keep kissing him until your lips were stinging. “I’m so proud of you.” You said against his mouth.

“I owe it all to my teacher, after all.” He smirked before kissing you, yet again.

None of you seemed bothered by the fact that there was a lifeless body lying next to you, and that the amount of blood that was on the scene could make anyone faint. On the contrary, you though it was beautiful.


Killing off Tom’s father was easy, but disposing of the body and the evidence was much easier. It came with the advantages of being a wizard.

Tom set the body on fire until there was only a mere pile of ashes left, which he quickly got rid of with a single wave of his wand. You did the same thing with the blankets covered in blood, which was now dry, and replaced them with fresh new ones. You turned to Tom once he re-entered the room after finishing with his task, a proud smile on your face. “You’re quite the learner, aren’t you?”

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