Chapter 25: dimples

Start from the beginning

"I search that Evian comes from french alps. So here. There's a whole case in our fridge."

He opened the water bottle before carefully giving it to me.

I chug the water in less than 10 gulps.

I took a peek at Greyson and his eyebrow was raised.

He stood up and got another water. He opened the bottle of  water and gave it to me. I thank him and proceeds to chug down that water as well.

"I am so thirsty and I don't even know why." I explained.

Greyson nodded slowly and said "I can see that precious. Maybe I should stock another 4 cases."

"You do that." I agreed.

I feel tired now.

Without any warning I let my body fall back on the bed and curl on my side.

"I feel sleepy again and I am not even awake for an hour!" I complained.

Greyson carefully sit beside me and transfer my head to his lap. He proceeds to brush my hair gently with his fingers.

So relaxing.

I was getting sleepy when my tummy let out a bad gas without informing me.

It was loud.

Greyson stop for a second but continued what he's doing.

I frown and look at my tummy.

"You Mister tummy why are you like that? Give a girl a warning will you? Look! Grey Grey's probably dying because of the smell. Apologize!" I reprimand my disrespectful tummy.

My tummy apologized by letting out another bad gas.

I give up.

I burrow my face on Greyson's lap in shame.

I look at Grey Grey buy his face has no expression.

"I am sorry Grey Grey."

Greyson shooks his head. "There's nothing to be embarrased Precious.
Farting's part of our normal body functiom so fart to your heart's content."

I look at him in disbelief.

I poke his cheeks repeatedly to see if he's real. No man act like this!

At first he was not reacting but he suddenly smiled. Like really smiled! His dimples on his both cheeks made their presence known.

"Oh my God! You got dimples!" I shouts excitedly.

I hurriedly sit up and move my face near Greyson'a face to see his dimples close up.

Just for the record, I love dimples.

His dimples was gone.

"Smile!" I demanded.


"Cmon! Just one big big smile! Pretty please!"

I bat my eyelashes and begged him with my green eyes.

He sigh then muttered fine.

Greyson's smile was mind blowing.

I poke both his dimples and I squealed because it was so deep.

"You should smile often Grey Grey! Why are you hiding this beauties?!" I exclaimed.

Greyson shooks his head. "Precious my smiles are only reserved to the people I love."

I shook my head. "Grey Grey if you don't smile your face will get parachute. That's bad!"

"You mean paralyzed?" He clarified.

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