young and dumb

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Dr. Eggman unsurprisingly plots another scheme for his everlasting desire: take over the world. This time, he calls in Metal Sonic and divided the Eggman Empire into two sectors: one for Metal Sonic and one for himself. 

"Alright, we're going to attempt to steal the Master Emerald once again. Without it, my recently built machine, which I've named the Chaos Bringer, won't be able to properly function since it requires the Master Emerald's energy as its main source." Eggman utters as he glances over Metal Sonic.

"Now, before you wonder why I would choose you, there's absolutely no one I can trust. Like THEY'VE turned their backs against me, failed me, disappointed me, and there's no way I'd TOLERATE that any further! You must not treat me the same." Eggman adds.

Metal Sonic can't speak, which quickly turns the conversation into an unwanted staring contest.

Eggman clears his voice and replies, "Okay, I should've known better. Of course, you don't have a mouth," Eggman cackles in a sarcastic manner.

"All of that aside," Eggman briefly stop as he coughs, "I'll put a voice box on you so I can cooperate with you properly."

"Therefore, if we indeed get our hands at that Master Emerald, we will secure it and the blaster someplace. No one in their right minds would leave a valuable item out in the open, except for Sonic and his godforsaken friends, which are undoubtedly stupid." Eggman insists.

"Anyways, long story short, you build your own empire, and I build mine. Keep in mind that this is only a TEMPORARY situation, and you still need to follow my orders to ensure, well, world domination." Eggman declares.

"We need to destroy Mobius. Yes, that hell of a planet where animals like Sonic emerge from. By doing so with the massive blaster that I've made, we prevent more anthropomorphic idiots from causing damage to Earth. That way, we'll be seen as the hero by humanity and attain global control at last." Eggman insists.

"Now that we're done talking, let's kindly head to my workspace to see what I can do to enhance you." voices Eggman as he and Metal Sonic head to the aforementioned place.

Days later, in Angel Island.

Knuckles was resting above the Master Emerald as he whistled. He momentarily looks at his surroundings to check if there's an intruder, and to his shock, he felt a sudden, brief shake that woke him up. 

"Crap. I guess the emerald isn't built to hold my weight for a long time." Knuckles mutters as he hopped out of the Master Emerald.

All of a sudden, a total of four colossal claw-like object sprouted from below and glued themselves onto the Master Emerald. Knuckles was able to react in time and dodged the claws, but at this moment he managed to take a short sight of the emerald swiftly busting through the ground and realized one thing: It's too late.

"HEY!" Knuckles shouted as he leaps onto the emerald, hoping to retrieve it.

The whole island began falling down, and so did Knuckles. Moments passed, and the origin of the mysterious claw was soon revealed to be one of Eggman's Fleet. Numerous landmasses crash onto the surface of the warship and bounced off into the cold waters.

Luckily, Knuckles was able to land safely, but he's dumbfounded when he saw Dr. Eggman piloting the warship.

"Wha-? Ah, NOT YOU AGAIN!" Knuckles yelled, scowling in response.

"Let's talk later. Somebody is on foot and it doesn't favor pests like ya!" Eggman responds, desperately tries to maintain balance as giant rocks hit the warship.

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