part 3 x

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"Thank you!" You said to the bus driver before getting off and walking to your house. It didn't take long which was lucky, but you knew exactly what you'd do when you got in.

1. put a record on
2. do some washing
3. have a bath
4. pick out your outfit
5. get ready.

Exactly in that order you'd do everything, you had 2 hours...maybe you'd leave the washing for another day.

You got in and chucked your shoes off, sighing before going into the fridge and taking a small can of Pepsi out, after what happened with the Coca Cola song and shakermaker we all decided to just drink Pepsi. You drank most of the can before placing it to the side and picking out a record to put on. "Hmm..." you mumbled, before finding a sneaky blur one, "wouldn't hurt anyone.." you whispered before putting the record onto the player, the start of For Tomorrow was on, making you smile. You made sure not to blast it incase any fans were out, if they found out you were listening to Blur you'd be over.

You hurried to your room to chuck your hair up, so it was out the way, for now at least. You then went and didn't some dishes so you could get it over and done with.

After a hour or so of cleaning up a bit you went and took your lovely bath, you didn't know why they were so comforting for you but you just loved them. You got out the warm bath feeling lovely, clean.
You wrapped the towel around your body before heading to your room and drying your self, chucking your robe on. "Right..." you thought, not knowing what to wear, fuck you didn't even know where Liam would be taking you! You sighed over the thoughts of this.

(If you don't like the outfit that's fine, cuz the outfit doesn't matter too too much. x)

You found a nice bodycon skirt and some thin black tights, you paired it with a black cropped top that just ends wear the skirt starts. You popped some black heels with it and called it done. You sat over in your chair before drying your hair and curling it a little, nothing too extravagant, just some 'beach waves' if that's what you'd call it. You put some makeup on, and smiled, you couldn't wait too see liam.

You put your clothes on, and the shoes and put Liams adidas jacket on top, you loved it so much, it was like your prized possession.

You went downstairs and waited for the knock on the door.

Cause, my friend said he'd take you home. Liam Gallagher x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora