Chapter 27 - My Life With You

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My Life With You

~ Annies Perspective ~

It's now been seven years since Johnny and I have been married. We gave birth to our daughter and son seven years ago, turns out I had twins. We named our daughter Hope, and our son, Ethan.

I though Johnny would be unfair with the kids considering that Josh isn't his biological kid, but he's surprisingly been treating Josh the same as Hope and Ethan. Whenever he gets Hope and Ethan gifts, he make sure he gets Josh one too. Plus, he always makes time for Josh, even if Ethan and Hope are bugging him.

"Baby" I heard Johnny mumble as I slowly feel my eyes opening. "I know you want to sleep in but it's 12 and your breakfast is getting cold" He blurted out while he stood in front of me.

I let out a big groan as I stretch my arms before getting up, but I stayed in bed because I was sore from last night. Not sex, I was working out with Johnny and the kids, turns out Johnny is very athletic.

"You look beautiful by the way" He added kissing my forehead. Even though he does this every morning it still manages to put a huge smile on my face. "Mhm I love you so much" I mumbled to him as he planted another kiss but this time on my lips.

"I'll bring your breakfast upstairs, the kids are already dropped off at school"

With that, Johnny was gone. I attempted to get out of bed but I ended up falling on the ground. "Damn it!" I shouted as I climbed back onto the bed. My legs were still in pain along with the rest of my body.

A few minutes later Johnny came back with a whole breakfast meal. There were three pancakes, maple syrup, and milk, along with chocolate chip cookies. "You are the best husband ever" I muttered taking the food in excitement.

Johnny got into bed with me and shared some food. " sex for today?" Johnny questioned eating his last bite of his cookie. I'm surprised Johnny went ten months without sex. I honestly thought he would of cheated while I was pregnant, but somehow he didn't. He made sure he was always with me, which I found was very sweet.

"I'll see how I'm feeling" I said chuckling at him. When I finished eating I put down the plate and sat on top of Johnny. "What's wrong" he asked as I traced his abs. Every when Johnny had his morning hair he looks hot. I never would of thought I would be addicted to a boy this much.

I snapped myself out of thinking about Johnny. "'Nothing" I responded unbuttoning his jeans. I looked over at him too see if he was okay with me taking off his pants and saw him smirking. Both his hands were in back of his head, relaxing as he watched me slip of his jeans.

I sat back on top of him. "We should probably get out of bed" I blurted out.

Johnnys arms wrapped around my waist with his fingers brushing over my ass. "You are very sexy" Johnny responded smiling. Gosh his smile is so fucking adorable.

A part of me wanted to get out of bed but the other part of me wanted to stay here with Johnny. We started to make out, I was in my bra and underwear while Johnny was still in his boxers.

However, Johnny ended up pulling away "I'm sorry to cut this short but I have to go to work"

I let out a loud groan as I force myself off his amazing body. "Would you like to join me, we can have sex in my office" He stated, causing me to blush. I thought about it though, it may be fun to go to work with Johnny.

"Sure" I responded. Johnny got up shocked. "wait really?!" He shouted excited. With that, he lifted me off the bed and spined me around while kissing me. "Yes!!!" He shouted as he went down to my neck. "J-Johnny" I pulled away before he gave me anymore hickeys "we should probably get dressed, you're late for work" I said getting out of his arms.

Within a few hours I was in his office watching him talk to some guy he's doing business with. It's crazy how far Johnny has come.

"Great, so we have a deal?" The guy asked getting up from his chair while Johnny did the same. The guy he was talking to was around his 20s. He has blonde hair that's in a middle part with nice blue eyes. I'm not going to lie, if I wasn't so attracted to Johnny, I would probably like the dude.

"Yes of course" Johnny responded snapping me out of my thoughts. They both shook hands and a smile appeared on both of their faces. "By the way, that girl is hot" I heard the guy mumble as he smirked over at me. I started to feel uncomfortable so I looked over at Johnny. His smile instantly dropped "what the fuck did you say"

The guy looked away from me and back at Johnny, who had a very frustrated face. "I'm just saying, that dress is tight in all of the right places" He blurted out checking me out. The more he talked the more I felt uncomfortable.

"The deals off" Johnny muttered, fighting his every urge to kill this guy. "What?! But—

Before he finished his comment I walked over too Johnny holding his hand. I didn't feel safe standing alone in the corner anymore and all I wanted to do was feel Johnnys touch. "Get the fuck out of my office before I kill you myself" Johnny muttered one last time before the guy horrifying left the office.

"What a dick" Johnny yelled in anger as he let go of my hand and through the papers off his desk. I stayed still no knowing what I should do. "I'm sorry..." I mumbled looking down as if it was my fault.

Johnny, on the other hand, felt different about this. "Don't ever apologize to me again. You did nothing wrong" he stated planting a short kiss on my lips. Somehow he seemed much more calm after kissing me.

However, that didn't take away from the fact that Johnnys deal was messed up now. Although he didn't seem stressed about it now I still felt bad.

"Come here" Johnny blurted pointing at his lap while having his arms out. I put on a small smile as I sat on his lap. "I should of sticked with Jeans and a hoodie" I mumbled to myself but apparently it was loud enough for Johnny to hear.

"Stop it. You should be able to wear whatever you want. That guys just an asshole" he responded causing me to smile. He always knew what to say. "Plus, you do look hot as fuck" he added with his smirk. His hands slowly travelled around my body but stayed when they reached my ass. But I didn't feel uncomfortable with his touch, it made me feel safe.

Without wasting anymore time I smashed my lips against his, my tongue slipped into his mouth as we made out. Suddenly I felt my dress unzip and Johnnys hand rub down my skin. God I love this guy so much.

I Never Loved You - Johannie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now