Chapter 16 - Long Term Effects

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Long Term Effects

~ Johnnys Perspective ~

It's been five week and three days since Annie found me cheating on her and went to live in Jordan's dorm. If I'm being honest, these past few weeks have been like hell for me. Every time I try to make a conversation with Annie, she brings up me cheating on her. Although it hurts knowing that I can't have a proper relationship with Annie anymore...what hurts even more is seeing her and Jordan so happy together.

But I'm a big guy, I'm not going to cry about things like this, I just simply drink and smoke my pain away.

With that being said, just like any other day, I was drinking my fifth beer bottle as I attempted to drag myself out of bed, and then Annie walked in. Not only was she upset, but she had all her stuff in her hand. "A-Annie?" I questioned, hoping that I wasn't dreaming again.

Although she glanced at me, she didn't respond back. I finally managed to get out of bed and slowly walk over to Annie, but before I could get any closer I fall on the ground considering that I was drunk and couldn't see straight.

"I don't have time to deal with your shit right now!" She said raising her tone at me angrily. It took me a moment to realize she had tears in her eyes. "W-What's wrong" I asked as I tried to get up but failed several times.

Annie threw my a couple of snacks to get sober off of. At first I whined and kept attempting to talk to her but she kept pushing me away. So, after a few more tries I decided to sober up and eat, drink some water, and then went to take a shower. I haven't token one in five weeks and I don't want to be smelling bad in front of Annie.

Within an hour or two I was freshed up and ready to make things better between Annie and I. "Are you sober yet" Annie muttered looking over at me as I walked out of the bathroom. "Yep, now can you tell me what's wrong" I asked sitting next to her.

Instead of Annie using her words, she pulled out a pregnancy test that was positive. At first I was speechless, I honestly did not know how to respond except to ask who's it was "I-Is i-it mine?"

Annie looked away from me and down at the test "'s Jordan's...and he doesn't want the kid..."

My heart instantly dropped. I couldn't describe the feelings I was feeling right now. I thought by cheating on Annie I would give her a chance to find someone better than me but I never thought about the long term effects. I can't imagine her having a family with anyone who isn't me. It hurt knowing that that's what is happening right now.

"So then get an abortion" I stated as if it was no problem with her. Annie wanted to complete her Harvard classes and get a good job and be successful but she can't do that if she has a kid. Plus it's Jordan's kid! She told me several times that she doesn't have feelings for him so what's the point of them having a kid together if she doesn't have feelings for him.

Annie, on the other hand, didn't seem to like that idea. "I'm not having an abortion, I am going to keep the kid..."

"What?! Why?" I questioned. "I always wanted a kid and I guess this is my chance" she responded. However, I still didn't understand why she wanted to keep the kid. I mean she could make one with anybody.

"Then make a kid with me! Why would you want one with Jordan" I blurted out, angry at her opinion. She gave me a weird look "why the hell would I want to be stuck with you" she muttered as I sigh.

This was going to be really hard to tell her but I only had two options. "Look...I didn't cheat because I was tempted to have sex with another girl. I swear to you I haven't found one single girl attractive since the second I laid my eyes on you" I blurted out as I took a small pause between my sentence

"You told me you loved me back and I guess I wasn't ready for that. I know I love you and I have told you that several times but hearing that you love me is different....I didn't want to hurt you...and I knew you would t let me go that easily so I cheated..."

Annie, on the other hand had a very blunt reaction. She just stared for a few moments and then looked away "I am still mad at you" she muttered back as she began to fidget with her fingers. "And you have every right to be, but why would you want to keep a baby whose dad doesn't even want it"

I wasn't trying to be a dick, I just wanted to understand her decision. I may have a biased opinion considering that my feelings for Annie are very strong, but I still wanted whatever made Annie happy...even if it doesn't make me happy...

"I'm keeping the baby weather you like it or not" she muttered giving me a glare. I sighed as I followed at the blank white wall her eyes were staring at. "Fine then" I muttered getting up.

I know I said I would support Annies decision but it was hard. I was upset with her because I wanted to be the father of her child. Not Jordan. That asshole not only slept with my girl, but also made her pregnant, and he was going to pay for it.

I instantly walked out the dorm leaving Annie confused. I didn't bother knocking on Jordan's dorm, instead I kicked it open, not a care in the world of whatever was happening in Jordan's dorm. What I did see however, was Adora in bed with him.

"Baby I could explain!" Alors shut up revealing her naked body. Shit! I forgot we were still together. But I wasn't here for her, I was here for the asshole. I looked past Adora's naked body, which was surprising considering that I never ignore a girl whose naked in front of me. I grabbed Jordan's throat "you fucking made my girl pregnant you some of a bitch. And then you fucking leave her?!!" I shouted as I threw him across the room.

"What? I'm not pregnant" Adora cuts in as she comes between us. "For god sake, put some fucking clothes on" I muttered at her as I pushed her on the bed and grabbed Jordan again. "The only reason you are not dead right now is because you are the father of her child. But I swear to god if you EVER make her cry like that again I will hunt you down and torture you till you beg me to kill you" I muttered dropping him on the table next to me as it broke down with the rest of his body.

Adora looked at me as if she was scared for her own life sake. "We're over" I muttered as I gave her a glance before I looked at the door that was broken down. I saw Annie in the halls with tears in her eyes. "A-Annie" I stuttered "I can explain—

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